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Welcome to Marmee's Pantry

Monday, January 11, 2010

Do You Ask God?

James 4:2 & 3 – “You want something but don’t get it…You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

“Boy, I sure do wish I could get that new homeschool science book for next year – if only we had the money”…"If only Hubby could get that new job..."...”Oh, if only my girls will marry a godly man…”…”Wouldn’t it be great if only...if only…if only…if only

I have come to a realization – after being a Christian for “ONLY” 27+ years! – that I am settling. I am settling for the mediocre, the mundane, the “good enoughs.” I’ve had it with settling!

Now, don’t get me wrong…I am NOT a “name it, claim it” person. If the Lord’s will is “no,” then “no” it is. But it has come to my own attention that I’ve been praying for, and believing in answers to prayer for everyone else but myself and my home. Isn’t that craziness?! Why is it that I seem to think that my prayers are for everyone else in my life but me and mine?! I know…crazy.

And the really nutty thing is, I’ve SEEN God answer my prayers over and over and over again in the last 27 years of my walk with Him – when my husband was laid off (the first time) for 7 months and we were still homeschooling at the time and couldn’t afford new curriculum, I was asked to review products for The Old Schoolhouse magazine and – lo and behold – wouldn’t you just know it, EVERYTHING I was asked to review “just happened” to be items that we needed for our school year! Huh. Did I ask? Yes. Did I receive? “The grace of our Lord was poured out on me ABUNDANTLY, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (1 Tim. 1:4)
Like you, I’ve prayed for and watched people get healed, accept Jesus as their Savior; seen my girls accomplish wonderful things…Huh. Did I ask? Yes. Did I receive? Abundantly!

But there are other times when I knowingly don’t ask. What’s wrong with me? I KNOW that the Lord wants me to ask, why don’t I? Now, I’m not saying that I don’t believe that the Lord will answer my prayers, I KNOW that He does answer…it just seems that I pray for the “bigger things” for others and not myself or my family. I used to, what happened? I’m SO sorry Lord, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24)

As I said, I’m NOT a “name it, claim it” person – but what have I missed because I have not asked? I certainly know that if I should pray for something that’s not in the Lord’s will, or is for selfish use, that the Lord will graciously say “no.” I welcome that. But WHAT have I MISSED? I’m willing to find out. I’m willing to once again be the prayer warrior that I used to be! I’m willing to ask and watch EXPECTANTLY for His loving answer – even if it’s “no.” I’m willing to watch my family once again blossom under His umbrella of blessing.

Won’t you join me?

{Pictured are 2 places where I'm praying about opening up Marmee's Pantry bulk food store!}

Blessings from Ohio...Kim W<><


  1. During the next three weeks, we will be in much prayer for many things - as we do the Daniel Fast. I will add your prayer request concerning this building (by the way, that looks vaguely familiar??), for God's provision, for your heart's desire. Keep us posted!

    Thinking of you and yours as you remember Jessica.

    In Him,

  2. Kim, it is added to my prayer journal. He is faithful nad He has a purpose and a plan for you. He has good things. No I'm not a blab it and grab it or name it and claim it either but He does promise in His Word to bring you good things and He is already using you to expand and bless and grow others. He will not stop in His plans for you for they bring Him glory. you live a life dedicated to Him and you always bring Him glory :)

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss 24yrs. ago. I'm thankful you have the hope to see her again in eternity. I just visited my daughter's friend's newborn baby...tears in eyes...newborns are the most precious gift from God. Always reminds me of how gentle and tender He is.

  4. This was an excellent post. Ask and we shall receive, not because we asked, but why we asked. That's what counts! Will be praying for your possible future endeavor!!


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