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Welcome to Marmee's Pantry

Monday, March 22, 2010

Do You Hear That...?

Listen!...Do you hear that?...What's that sound?

Could it be the sound of our Founders rolling over in their graves?!

If these good men could come back today, WHAT would they be thinking? Would they ask: "Are there no more Patriots left in Congress? Are there no more men or women 'serving' who CARE about their country or their children's freedom or their sacred honor?"

God, PLEASE have mercy on our country. In Jesus' mighty Name. Amen.
Blessings from Ohio, Kim<><


  1. Aaamen! Nahum 1:7 comes to mind!

  2. Amen to that. It's really up to God's
    people to seek Him more, pray more.
    We're going to have to know Him as
    our Jehovah Rapha. Still, He has good
    plans for His children; a hope and a
    future. America will be saved, if we
    Hope you're enjoying your new job.
    In His Love,

  3. We must always trust Him. His word says He will never leave or forsake us. Those whom lead/live apart from His statutes will be held accountable. Abide, remain, stand in Him. But yes, I pray for mercy.

  4. So very true. God save our country.

  5. And I too am disheartened by the results. BUT...I was reminded of Proverbs 21:1 last night as I went to bed, as I thought of our current President. "The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; He guides it wherever He pleases." As I read through the history of the kings of the Old Testament last year, I was reminded over and over again, that God was in control and allowed even evil or unwise Kings to rule in order to bring about the path of His Plans in His timing. And so...God will use what seems to be bad for a time in order to bring about good..this I am sure of. Because HE promised His plans for His children were for good and not for evil. I will trust with ALL my MIGHT in those Words of HOPE as we face this present turmoil!!! God bless you Kim!

  6. AMEN! The earth should be rumbling the them turning over in their graves. This is not right! Since they didn't listen to all our voices and the teaparties....maybe they will listen in Nov. at the elections.


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