"Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him." ~Job 13:15
"Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us." ~I Peter 2:12
LESSON LEARNED: Hard times . . . persecution . . . outcast from the popular crowd . . . we've all struggled with being accepted for who we are. More-over, as Christians, is seems that the deck is always stacked against us.
More and more, we are faced with decisions that MUST be shaped by our walk with Jesus Christ. In the culture we live in ~ whether school or work or even with extended family members ~ there are times when we never quite know what situation we will be thrown into. Will my profession of faith & life of integrity condemn me as an outcast because I'm a "goody-goody" and won't go along with the crowd? . . . keep me from getting promoted because I won't bend the rules? . . . foster false rumors that will run through the family grapevine because of some sort of miss-placed jealousy? There will be times in our lives when things, or people, will be lost to us because of our stand with Christ.
Oh, but when we stand!
When we stand, I have no doubt that "the God we serve is able to save us from it . . . But even IF He does not . . . " And even IF He does NOT, our God is a great God. He alone will bring glory unto Himself even out of our weakness. Whether winning or losing in the Lower Story (the "earthly realm" as referred to in The Story), our walk with the Lord ALWAYS ends in VICTORY! Our obedience and integrity will ALWAYS quiet the nay-sayers. God is concerned that we handle what the world brings against us in a way that brings glory to Him. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had no guarantee that God would deliver them out of the blazing furnace or the jaws of the lions, although they knew that He could. But what they KNEW God would do ~ whether they lived or died ~ was that He would bring glory to Himself. That lives would be touched because of their faithfulness.
Our faithfulness gives those around us tangible evidence of God's glory in our good times or bad ~ that's what really matters when we face difficulties in this world. May He shine through it all.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
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