I wanted to share a new blessing that has come my way. One that will also bless your heart ~
I have been hired to write a column, in keeping with what I write about here at Marmee's Pantry, for a NEW magazine called Christian Woman's Voice. I am SO excited!
The publisher is NOW taking subscriptions for on-line OR hard copy. You will LOVE this new magazine. The publisher prayed over her leading of the Lord to start this magazine & who to bring on-board to contribute ~ & I am blessed & honored to be a part of it.
I hope you will look into this ground-floor opportunity to subscribe because I KNOW you will be blessed by it's content.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
Kim, Congratulations!! Truly wonderful opportunity!
congratulations, Kim! So proud of you! I am looking forward to reading this, and know your column will be a great blessing to all, just as your writing here has been. God bless you, dear Sister in Christ.