You, O God, are my fortress, my
loving God...
But I will sing of Your strength,
in the morning I will sing of Your love;
for You are my fortress,
my refuge in time of trouble.
O my Strength, I sing praise to You;
You, O God, are my fortress, my
loving God.
~~Psalm 59:9, 16-17
[emphasis mine ~KW<><]
How are things going in your household? Are they the same as they were 2 years ago?
Not in our house.
Oh...we still have the precious things that matter ~ our faith in God, secure salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit as a deposit of the promises of what is to come; our family's love & devotion to each other & even our home, transportation & food on our table.
But much has changed.
And although much has changed, our Foundation ~ our Fortress ~ is STILL Almighty God & He STILL loves us & sustains us through all the changes & losses.
God is STILL on His throne! Amen?
He has stayed there & carried us through all the changes, challenges & losses of the last 19 months. If it weren't for Him & His love & sustaining grace I think our family would have disintegrated. How do people hold on without God?!
But, Oh, the joy & the peace that He brings! ONLY Him. He allows me (us) to have JOY in the midst of hard decisions, in letting go. He gives me perspective as to what is of this world & what is eternal...& eternal is awesome!
When I look toward the eternal I can sing of [His] strength, in the morning I [can] sing of [His] love! HE causes me to sing, whether out loud or in my heart, in the midst of trail, in the midst of losses.
I watch for & see evidences of God's love & watch-care over us everyday &, Oh, what joy fills my heart!
"My soul will be satisfied as with the
richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will
praise You."
~~Psalm 63:5
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
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