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Welcome to Marmee's Pantry

Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to School-at-Home

Titus 2:10(b) – “…make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.”

Can you smell that? Ahhh! I love the smell of Fall…burning leaves; crisp, dry air and just enough chill to pull on your favorite sweater; bonfires, s’mores, hay-rides, camp-outs, treks down multi-colored leafy paths. Ohio – land of the ever-changing temperature – is a great place to be in the Fall!!

What’s Fall mean to an Ohio (or mid-western) family? God’s creative genius! WOW! Who else could show us that even the end of something can be beautiful? It’s like the grand finale of a fire-works display! “Behold, I make all things new!” What a great time of year to walk down a leaf-strewn path and teach our children about the truth of new life in Jesus Christ…REAL life lessons. That His ugly death opened up the beautiful gates of Heaven for us! As Christians, our death is beautiful in the eyes of the Lord because it actually signals the beginning of NEW life...eternal life…Ps. 116:15 – “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of Your servant.”

In our natural world, God has made the “death” of Summer a beautiful thing…especially here in Ohio. As you’re walking down those colorful paths, have your children take their nature journal with them to draw what they see: God’s world ablaze with glorious color! Collect a few leaves, press them between sheets of waxed paper, put them in their nature journal and include information about that particular tree.

This is the type of learning, the homeschooling, that has taken place since the Garden of Eden. Deut. 6:7 – “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” In the homeschool home, learning takes place ALL the time. Every season is a new way to teach the love and faithfulness of the Lord; however, Fall, of all seasons, is a perfect season to “make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.”

Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><


  1. This is so true. And even though my last two children are in the public H.S now I continue to teach them daily..or at least attempt to. Just this morning I sent a scripture verse to my college student daughter with a note...attempting to continue to teach them...I know it matters.

    And I remember the splender of Autumn tree lined streets in Kansas City MO when we lived there for 18 long mos. There is nothing like it!

  2. Fall is the most beautiful season, though I have trouble choosing a favorite season as I love different aspects of each season. We haven't done as much nature study as we normally do this fall because of traveling to help my parents, but I think we'll make sure we take some time to do so this very week! Thanks for the reminder to take the time to enjoy God's glorious creation ablaze with color!

    Also...sometimes I come to your blog and just listen to the music. :)


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