Saturday, July 24, 2010
You may have noticed that I haven't posted since the 14th. For some unknown reason, I can't sign in on my blog (I'm borrowing a P.C. to to this) & I can't even get onto or I either get a page that says it can't connect of the search just keeps spinning & spinning & spinning.
If ANYONE out there can help me PLEASE do!! If you don't, PLEASE pray. I dearly miss posting & talking to all of you. I can't even post on YOUR blogs, it won't let me. I don't want all of my hard work to go down the drain.
Thanks for your prayers & help. Missing you...
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
If ANYONE out there can help me PLEASE do!! If you don't, PLEASE pray. I dearly miss posting & talking to all of you. I can't even post on YOUR blogs, it won't let me. I don't want all of my hard work to go down the drain.
Thanks for your prayers & help. Missing you...
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
Monday, July 12, 2010
Homemade Herbal Body Wash
This mixture is especially good for oily-to-normal skin-types & can also be used as an anti-bacterial hand soap & for back can my favorite face wash that I have made for the past few years.
Here's all you need...
5 drops EACH of tea tree, German chamomile, peppermint & green myrtle essential oils
1 ts. jojoba base oil
- Add essential oils & jojoba base oil directly to the bottle of Castile soap; shake to mix.
- Shake before each use.
- Wash using a wash cloth, loofa or lather-maker. A little goes a long way!
- Remember that this also makes a great anti-bacterial hand soap
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
Friday, July 9, 2010
Homemade Air Freshener Spray
Who needs to spend boo-koo $$ on all those fancy air sprays when you can make your own? And when you make your own, you can make it in just the perfect fragrance for your home, your family & your mood.

Here is a basic recipe & a collection of of different fragrance recipes for you to choose from. I've had his written down for a long time, if I knew who to credit, I would.
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
~~Once you have gotten a 'smallish' spray bottle, about 8-10 oz. (at Hobby Lobby,
Menard's or some other craft or hardware store), wash it out & fill it w/distilled water.

~~Add 25-30 drops of your favorite essential oil or your favorite combination of oils.
Here are a few great suggestions for you:
- Country Spice ~ cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, bay
- Spring Morning ~ lavender, rose, geranium, rosemary, sweet orange
- Earthy ~ sage, thyme, cedar, patchouli, frankincense
- Romance ~ vanilla, sandalwood, ylang ylang, jasmine, nerroli, rose
- Far East ~ patchouli, cedar, sandalwood, lime, coriander
- Energizing ~ basil, lavender, orange, nutmeg, mint
- Calming ~ bergamot, geranium, clary sage, chamomile, yarrow
- Gardener's Paradise ~ lemon, orange, basil, thyme
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Word Filled Wednesday ~#2~ 7/7/10

PASSAGE: Mark 14:3-9 ~ "While He [Jesus] was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came w/an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar & poured the perfume on His head.
"Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, 'Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages & the money given to the poor.' And they rebuked her harshly.
"'Leave her alone,' said Jesus, 'Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing for me. The poor you will always have w/you, & you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have Me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on My body beforehand to prepare for My burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.'" [emphasis, mine ~ KW<><]

LESSON LEARNED: I love how Jesus treats this woman. We find in Luke 7:36-50 that this woman was a very sinful woman & just her mere presence & the fact that she touched Jesus was looked upon as a social scandal. I lived a very sinful life before the Lord so graciously saved my soul & turned me around on May 20th, 1982, when I was 23 years old.
Jesus understood that in this woman pouring out her very expensive jar of perfume, in doing that "beautiful thing" to Him, she was pouring out her most precious possession onto the most precious Person to ever live. To quote our Lord, "She did what she could." ...I do what I can. Especially in this last year, since my dear husband was laid off in April of '09 & he has only been able to find temp work, we've spent our savings which was supposed to be start-up money for our dream of a bulk food store (Marmee's Pantry) & I have had to go back to work outside the home. I do what I can.
I do what I can by trying to live my life as a REAL Christian, no sugar-coating; real Christians deal w/real issues in this fallen world. Understanding, & demonstrating that you can still have the JOY of the Lord even when times aren't necessarily 'happy'. I try to spread the sweet, savory fragrance of the Lord's presence wherever I go. I try to use my blog as an encouragement to my readers to live for the Lord; & in that, if I can lovingly humble myself & get out of my dear husband's way so that he can be the man & leader of our home that he was created to be, if we can raise our children the best way the Lord has shown us to raise them (& even step aside & let them make some of their own mistakes), if I can homeschool successfully yet cheaply, if I can learn to cook from scratch, if I can learn to live a furgal lifestyle, if I can learn to be satisfied w/the blessings that the Lord has given us & not 'worry' about the blessings He's given others but to celebrate them ... then anyone reading this can, too. I do what I can.
The other lesson I've learned & had never considered about this passage was revealed to me when I was attending Seminary. Remember that this expensive perfume was poured all over Jesus' head & dripped & ran down his entire body. The fragrance filled the Upper Room during His last Passover supper. Jesus, Himself, said, "She poured perfume on My body beforehand to prepare for My burial." Jesus KNEW He was about to die & when Jesus was arrested in the garden, when He was stripped of His clothes, when he was beaten to w/in an inch of His life, while He carried the heavy cross-beam to Golgatha, while He hung on the cross ~ for YOU & for ME! ~ the sweet, pungent fragrance of that perfume, her act of love, clung to Him the whole way...even to the tomb. "She did what she could," & her love gift to THE Savior earned her honor "wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world."
I have no illusions of grandeur, I know that I will never be written about in any books...except one...the only one that really matters...The Lamb's Book of Life. Maybe it will say, "She did what she could."
Enjoy other Word Filled Wednesdays at
Please feel free to grab the WFW button for your blog while you're there!!
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#84~ 7/6/10

For Today...
Outside my window...beautiful, sun-shiny day. But hot & humid Ohio weather!
I am thinking...about the loss of my dear friend.
I am thankful for...the leading of the Lord. How He puts important people in our lives...people who are REAL, stellar examples of Him working in & through someone. AND...Sunday's sermon: THE BEST sermon on the faith of our Founding Fathers I've EVER heard!
From the kitchen...a fresh loaf of flax seed bread. I still have coffee on & it smells lovely mixed w/the aroma of the freshly baking bread. Mmmmm...
I am wearing...shorts bibbed over-alls, tan shirt, summer bare feet!
I am remembering…all the friends who were touched by Sono Harris' life & ministry. I've kept a list of at least 16 families who are friends that used to attend The Event (young adult's Bible study at Wright State University) &/or who went to Grace Fellowship Church when Gregg Harris was our pastor, to keep them up-dated on what has been going on w/Sono. I still keep in touch w/most of them on a fairly regular basis, but, to think of our SPECIAL these people are in my life & that it's all b/c of Gregg & Sono that we know them! We have been blessed!
I am going…to weed my little garden (I hope!), go to work later today.
I am reading...Bible: Mark.
I am hoping...that we hear SOON about DH's job interview he had last week. It went very well, I just hope it went well enough for them to hire HIM. We probably won't know anything for another week. Bummer. :-/
On my mind…many things...time w/my family, our daughters, praying for our friends in the time of grieving, $$, DH's job prospects...
I am creating...a peaceful, Christ-centered home.
I am hearing...the radio, cicadas calling out in the heat of the day.
Noticing that…for some reason, some of my Playlist got knocked off. I need to see if I can fix that! :-?
Pondering these words…John Jay, 1st Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court: "We MUST elect Christian leaders for our Christian nation."
Around the house...general tidying, laundry, weeding, baking bread...
One of my favorite things...looking through old photos.
A Scripture thought...Isaiah 43:3(a)-4 ~ "For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...Since you are precious & honored in My sight, & because I love you."
A few plans for the rest of the week...squeezing in as much family time as we can around eveyone's work schedules, getting outside as much as possible & enjoying the summer weather we've waited all winter for :-), Sunday: worship w/the saints!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Thank you for letting me endulge, just one more time, in honoring my dear friend. This is Gregg & Sono just a mere 2 weeks ago. Now, she's dancing before the Throne of God!
Enjoy other Daybooks at:
Enjoy other Daybooks at:
Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><
Monday, July 5, 2010
Farewell, My Dear Friend
It is with a bitter-sweet heart that I tell you that Sono Harris passed away last night. Thankfully, she went Home peacefully. Not only was she a pioneering homeschool icon, a great woman of God, but she was a most talented ballerina & I'm SURE she danced her way right to the Throne of God!

When the Harrises still lived in Dayton, Ohio a friend of mine took me to a young adult's Bible study at Wright State University (in 1982). There, I encountered a 'REAL' Christian in the person of Gregg Harris. His real-life relationship w/Jesus & his creative Bible studies & activities (in conjunction w/learning about the readable NIV Bible & Contemporary Christian music!) were large factors in my acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. From there, Gregg introduced me to the man who would become my wonderful husband; & he & Sono introduced me to homeschooling (as Josh was only about 7 at the time) & Sono, ever so patiently, discipled me by using Bible studies, wonderful & deep conversation, & letting me tag along w/her just in her everyday life. She certainly earned several jewels in her crown by patiently answering all of my questions!
When they moved to the Pacific Coast (1983), we still stayed in touch & got together as we could w/o intruding upon much-needed family time when they were back in town. And, of course, we attended some of their conferences when they were local...and many cards, letters (ALWAYS hand-written) & phone calls in-between.
I will miss my dear friend & I will pray for the family. I just spoke to her dear mother (who is still local to us) & found out that all funeral/memorial plans will be in their adopted home state, clear across the country, so we will have to wait to hear about how things went. Please pray for Sono's mom, too, as she is understandably trying to deal w/losing one of her children.
I was just looking at what was written on the back of this photo before I scanned it, part of it says: "We made double prints & are sending these photos to you as a remembrance of our happy reunion...A Foretaste of that incomparable, everlasting reunion we will have w/our LORD & one another in heaven. May He preserve us for that day & grant us endurance to finish the race is our prayer."

She was always thinking ahead. :-) I miss her already. Until that day....
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
Friday, July 2, 2010
Using Essential Oils Wisely

Below is an article that I recently read at work, from leading essential oil company Aura Cacia, & I thought it was a great one to pass long.
Blessings from Ohio, Kim<><
Essential oils are very concentrated. Their safe use requires they be treated w/care & respect. The user should be knowledgeable about their properties before any use. Most personal applications require DROPS rather than ounces.
- Always read & follow all label warnings & cautions.
- Keep oils tightly closed & out of the reach of children.
- Never ingest essential oils.
- Don't use undiluted oils on your skin. (Dilute w/vegetable oils such as sweet almond oil or grageseed oil [or liquid Castile soap ~KW<><])
- Skin test oils before using. Dilute an amount & apply to the skin on your inner arm. Do not use if redness or irritation occurs.
- Keep oils away from eyes & mucous membranes. [NOTE: some essential oils CAN be inhaled, such as Lavender ~ for stress & sleeplessness ~ it's important to know which ones can & cannot. ~KW<><]
- If redness, burning, itching or irritation occurs, stop using oils immediately.
- Angelica & ALL citrus oils make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light. Do not go out into the sun w/these oils on your skin.
- Sweet fennel, hyssop, sage & rosemary should not be used by anyone w/epilepsy.
- People w/high blood pressure should avoid hyssop, rosemary, sage & thyme.
~Bitter almond, basil, clary sage, clove bud, hyssop, sweet fennel, juniper berry, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, rose rosemary, sage, thyme & wintergreen.
~Allspice, bitter almond, basil, cinnamon leaf, cinnamon bark, clove bud, sweet fennel, fir needle, lemon, lemongrass, melissa, peppermint, tea tree & wintergreen.
PLEASE NOTE: As a born-again Christian I DO NOT agree w/the New Age elements that many in the health food industry follow. I am an adult Christian trying to be a light in the world where the Lord has put me. ~KW<><
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