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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Word to Homeschool (or any) Grads . . .

As you start this new chapter of your lives, there are a few things you should consider . . . 
  1. Just as you spent this time under the protective umbrella of your parents, particularly the headship of your dad, don't forget that you are STILL under the protective umbrella of your Heavenly Father. As the pathways of your life expand, don't forget that umbrella ~ it will protect you both physically and emotionally. Spend time in God's Word to know Him more deeply and to remember where those protective boundaries are. Cultivate your relationship with Him ~ relationships do not grow unless time is spent together. We grow in our relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him, time reading our Bibles, time spent in prayer, time in worship and time in the fellowship of the saints. When you leave home, you may be tempted to take a break from the regular fellowship of church-going or reading your Bible ~ DO NOT DO IT. Some of these disciplines are also habits; once you get out of the habit of fellowship or devotions, the enemy of your soul will give you as many excuses as you want to justify staying away, until you no longer recognize that still, small Voice of your Father. Remember how much He loves you and all He has done for you; how can you NOT want to spend time with Him?
  1. Cultivate a willingness to help others. This will help improve relationships in your home and cause you to grow a good reputation within your church and community.
  2. Collect “stones of remembrance.” In Joshua 4:4-7, once the Lord had, again, helped the Israelites cross the Jordan on dry land, Joshua had the men gather stones and make a monument to commemorate the occasion so that the generations to come would never forget the goodness of God. Now, I'm not saying that you need to make a monument, but if you think about it, keep a little somethin'-somethin' that reminds you of something God did in your life, make notes in the empty pages of your Bible to record answered prayer ~ because ~ life in this fallen old world is not always good, BUT GOD IS. Every-now-and-then, you will need something tangible to remind you.
    4) Make good friends. A quote recently went through Facebook that said, “The Scripture says in Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with wise men will be wise.” Take a look at your friends. That’s what you’re going to be like in a few years. Hang around people who make you better.” Couldn't have said it better myself.
    5) Don't neglect your family relationships. For better or worse, no one knows you better or should love you more. These are the people who will be with you when you're sick and when you're successful. When times are hard, these are the strong shoulders that will hold you up ~ and you will be there for them. Friends come and go, family is forever.

Now, you will be praised, celebrated, cheered and applauded today ~ and rightly so. But remember that all the praise and glory of a high school graduation could never compare to the thunderous applause of GOD or hearing HIS “well done, good and faithful servant.” Now, it is up to YOU to remain faithful and to nourish and maintain your relationship with Him. THAT will be the greatest accomplishment of your life. And remember, no matter where this life takes you, God LOVES you, YOU are the apple of His eye.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

    1 comment:

    1. Kim, that was absolutely beautiful! Encouraging and so much godly wisdom shared! Hugs sent to you!


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