Join Nancy at A Country Mom & myself & enjoy other Word-Filled Wednesdays! Be sure to let us know, in the comments, if you are joining us!
PASSAGE: Selected verses from Psalm 37 ~~
[1] Do not fret because of evil men
or be envoius of those who do
[2]for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die
[3] Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe
[4] Delight yourself in the LORD
and He will give you the desires of
your heart.
[5] Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in Him and He will do this:
[6] He will make your righteousness shine
like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the
noonday sun.
[7] Be still before the LORD and wait
patiently for Him;
do not fret when men succeed in
their ways,
when they carry out their wicked
[16] Better the little that the righteous have
then the wealth of many wicked;
for the power of the wicked will be
but the LORD upholds the righteous...
[19] In times of disaster they will not wither;
in days of famine they will enjoy
[25]...I have never seen the righteous
or their children begging bread.
[26] They are always generous and lend
their children will be blessed...
[34] Wait for the LORD
and keep His way.
LESSON LEARNED: Sometimes, I wonder why the world is the way it is, why it works the way works...then...I remember that we live in a fallen, sinful world & I am a Christian. I am running COUNTER-CULTURE to "the norm"...whatever that is.
Have you ever thought of yourself as 'counter-culture'? It's not the 'Goths' walking around in their all black clothes w/piercings, tatoos, monster-sized holes in their ear-lobes...looking exactly like each other while claiming to be different & 'counter-culture'. Hmmmm...
In this world, it's the Christians who are truly 'counter-culture'. WE are the ones who stand out & stand apart...and we should...for the glory of God. (II Cor. 6:17-18) But we all await the time when the Lord takes us Home & we will live in a place where there will be no more tears, no more hunger, no more sin, no more bad...where THAT will be the 'norm'.
Daily, we see 'evil men' & try so hard not to 'be envious of those who do wrong.' I see my dear husband work SO HARD for us &, in earthly terms, get nowhere. The epitomy of '3 steps forward, 2 steps back.' a true Godly paradox...we are blessed beyond measure, beyond what we TRULY deserve in that we have been saved & forgiven by the precious blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit as a deposit of God's promises (II Cor. 1:22, 5:5; Eph. 1:14), a warm home in the winter, food to satisfy, cars to get us where we need to go...yes, we are blessed beyond what we deserve.
But, let's face it, when dreams are squashed & plans are delayed or dismantled but the evil & unsaved seem to gets disheartening. Am I the only one who feels this way?
THIS is when I HAVE to live by FAITH & take God at HIS word!! HE has promised that if I delight myself in Him that HE WILL give me the desires of my heart! That if I commit my way to Him & trust in Him that HE WILL do this! (vv. 4 & 5) The 'do this' part means that He will ACT upon what He has said! Now, my part is that I have to 'be still before the LORD & wait patiently for Him' & 'do not fret'. Knowing full-well that His timing is NOT mine...for sure.
Faith. Oh...that can be the hardest part of all! (Heb. 11:1) Well, maybe tied w/the waiting part. '-)
But I do have His promises. God loves me! He proved it through His Son, Jesus, THE Christ! His Word says that He will not forsake me if I'm faithful. If I 'wait for the LORD & keep His way.'
I still haven't given up on my dream of Marmee's Pantry. I have such vision for it...beyond the bulk food store part! I want to have a small kitchenette in it to make some of my own goods, to have cooking demonstrations by myself & guest speakers; I want to have a little 'homeschool' section where Mommy can pick up a few learning aids while their kiddos can sit at a desk & color or write on a little chalkboard while Mommy shops; an area dedicated to soap-making & essential oils; I want to have workshops on frugal living given by myself & others...'s all been laid before the Lord & I am desperately trying to wait upon His timing, all the while watching the evil prosper.
Just being real, here.
But I AM encouraged when I read His promises to me! My pastor said, "Faith is active awareness of our dependence on Christ, coupled w/trust in HIS provision." Amen. I also like what Max Lucado once said, "The longings of your heart are not incidental, they are critical messages. The desires of your heart are not to be ignored, they are to be consulted. As the wind turns the weather vane, so God uses your passions to turn your life. God is too gracious to ask you to do something you hate.” [from 'Just Like Jesus']
So, the more I think about it, I don't mind being counter-culture in a sinful, fallen world; I can bare it when evil men prosper; I can learn to wait upon the Lord's timing. I have the desire to serve others through speaking & through my vision for Marmee's Pantry for a REASON & that desire was put there by God!
How do I KNOW that? Because my God loves me: "Since you are precious & honored in My sight, & because I love you." (Isaiah 43:4) Amen!
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><