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Welcome to Marmee's Pantry

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Homemade Healthy Tonic Tea

Well, here we are, the middle of July and already I am hearing early sounds of fall ~ the cicadas are already "calling" fall to the area, just as doves (a.k.a. rain crows) call when rain is coming. So, does that mean that we will have an early fall? Mmmmm . . . we can only hope. Only the Lord knows for sure, but as much as I love fall, I wouldn't mind.

And as fall has it's own charm ~ abundant color, the smell of leaves burning, crisp cool air that charms us outside for a walk after donning our favorite sweater; or curl up with a cup of tea and your favorite comforter for cozy night by the fire.

Fall is also a time when we need to make sure that our immune system is boosted and working at it's peak.

Government school and private school kids will be going back into the classroom and breathing in a host of new germs; homeschool kids will be rejoining their clubs, gym classes, sports, dance and other group activities where they will, also, be greeted by others' germs. And if your family's immune system isn't built up, germs will be passed around to each other like a supper plate. 

Almost daily, I enjoy my favorite Wellness Tea blend, but from time-to-time ~ especially if a family member has a cold or if I start to feel some little tickle that could be the precursor of something coming ~ I boost my medicinal tea up a notch and mack my Tonic Tea.

You Will Need:

For a large batch ~
~1 TB. freshly grated ginger root
~1/2 ts. cinnamon
large 3-fingered pinches of . . . 
~astragalus root
~licorice root
~echinacea leaf OR root (I prefer the root)
~lemon essential oil
~1 large tea ball OR 2-3 small tea balls
~tea pots ~ 1 for boiling water, one for steeping ~ OR 1 medium pot


1) fill a tea pot or medium cooking pot with water
2) fill a tea ball(s) with first SIX ingredients
3) bring water to boil 
    ***if you are using the tea pots, once water comes to a boil, place tea ball into pot and pour water into pot...
    ***if you are using a pot, place tea ball into pot of water and let come to boil...
4) once water boils, remove from heat ~ steep for at least 15 minutes, more if you want it stronger
5) then remove tea ball and discard used herbs
6) add 3-6 drops of lemon essential oil to the tea and stir a little to blend
7) fill your tea cup or mug
8) add local honey to taste, if desired
9) settle down, get comfy and drink in that tasty immune-building tea . . . ahhhhh . . .

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

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