"A week later . . . Though the doors were locked, Jesus came & stood among them & said, 'Peace be with you!' Then He said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here; see My hands. Reach out your hand & put it into My side. STOP DOUBTING AND BELIEVE.'
"Thomas said to Him, 'My Lord & my God!'" ~selected verses from John 20:24-28
LESSON LEARNED: Americans have a "Do it & get it over with" mentality. Sure, there can be great preparation & build-up to an event, but once it's here, it comes & goes. Bam. Done. Gone.
But "Easter" didn't end on that Sunday morning. Because of Jesus, Easter goes on & on & the disciples were some of the 1st to find that out.
Thomas wanted so desperately to believe Jesus had risen, but for some reason, it was harder for him than for the others. Had he led a life of disappointments & he didn't want to get hurt again? Certainly, he had seen that Jesus was truly dead & buried ~ this story was just too good to be true.
But then . . . there He was!
The doors were locked! How did He get in here?
And then, that voice. That lovely, one-of-a-kind voice. JESUS! He was standing there, talking to Thomas, inviting Him to see & to touch His wounds . . . & admonishing him to "Stop doubting & believe."
What other reply could Thomas possibly give except, "My Lord & my God!"
There simply is no other reply.
Come & join Nancy at A Country Mom & I, if you are not already participating! Each Wednesday, we dig into the Word of God & share what we are leaning. All you have to do is share a passage you have read during your devotions, share the lesson you have learned from the Lord & then connect with others who are doing the same & comment on their blogs. Let's learn from the Lord & each other.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
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