Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Little Maggie

Today, I've decided to show you various "shades" of our little Magpie Maggie Mae. From puppy to untidy little raggamuffin when we couldn't have her professionally groomed in our leeeean years to the lovely 3-1/2 year old "young woman" she is today.

When our incredible Hickory (Dickory Dog) passed away at 10yrs old from liver cancer, we set out on a search for a new puppy. After having 2 wonderful Shelties (Bonnie & then Hickory), & always enjoying the the Scottish Highland Breeds, & thought we might like a Scottie this time. But they have a bit a a reputation of not being the nicest to little ones they aren't used to. So . . . hoping to have this dog at least another 10 yrs, & the possibility of grand kids coming along in that time :-D we did a little research, settled upon a Miniature Schnauzer ~ & we got a BLACK one b/c it would remind me of a Scottie! lol

We love our little Magpie Maggie Mae & once she stops barking '-) ~ eh hem ~ she's our sweet, fun little bundle of energy & love.

So, here are various "shades" of our little Magpie Maggie Mae. From puppy
to untidy little raggamuffin when we couldn't have her professionally groomed in our leeeean years to lovely 3-1/2 year old "young woman."

This was the day we picked her out of her litter at the breeder's house. 5 weeks old & the only little girl of 5 puppies. As you can see, it was love at 1st sight for DD#1.

The day we brought her home, at 8 weeks. Look how HUGE Hickory's old leash looks on her! Couldn't you just kiss that little face?!

This is Maggie & her friend, Bear. She was chomping & jumping all over sweet Bear & it always makes me think of the movie "Homeward Bound" when wise old Shadow says to Chance: "Ya gotta lot to learn, Pup."

Maggie's winter fur coat.

Gotta love that face!

The Pebbles-look . . . ummm . . . not.

Maggie LOVES car rides! Especially to the farm stores.

We named her "Magpie" b/c of her black color, but we have learned to keep beach towels on the upper-backs of our couch b/c Maggie actually lives up to her name. She likes to sit there ~
on her "perch" ~ & watch out the windows.

Be careful . . . once you give up your chair, Maggie is right there to enjoy the warm spot!

And, oh, the concern when someone is on the "sick couch."

My little Maggie.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unloading the Camera

Or is it "downloading"? . . . Oh well . . .

I am so happy that my sweetheart found a little adapter-thingy that allows us to, once again, download photos for our digital cameras onto our PC. Since we up-dated to Linux back in October, I haven't been able to show you some of my own pics. I'm a happy camper! So . . . here are a few shots to show you of the time that has passed that I thought were sorta fun . . .

This is me at the PC . . . Just so ya know who's lookin' at ya.

These are a group of lovely ladies from our church at our Women's Retreat last fall, Nov. 2010. We went to a wonderful place that I had been to w/another church we attended. It's a wonderful place, Golden Eagle Christian Retreat Center in Palestine, Ohio (fyi ~ about 5 miles from where Rich Mullins ~ my Christian music hero ~ is buried). It had once been an old school & has been lovingly & meticulously redone & made into a retreat center. The classrooms are now dorm rooms.

This was my dear friend Pam's & my room. These are the BEST sleep-away beds I've ever slept on. EVERY bed has a luxury mattress, goose-down covers, reading lights, etc. Ahhhh . . . Plus, all the meals are like living on a farm. No she-she-foo-foo-"girlie" food. It's REAL food, folks. Leave the diets behind.

It's always wonderful when your daughters will let you use them as guinea pigs. :-) . . .

DD#2 & I are using my Green Clay Masks. I had hoped, when I posted the recipe, to have these down-loaded, but it didn't work out. I'll have to repost these.

And then, Thanksgiving 2010 rolled around.

Here's our little dining area. I'm sure you guessed that that's my wonderful hunk-a-man! He's watching the game while keeping me company in the kitchen . . . or was he keeping me company in the kitchen while he watched the game. Hmmm . . . anyway . . . This year, we had the pleasure of adding DD#1's boyfriend to our family meal. Great day, great fun.

This is our wedding china. Also on the table are my Homemade Seasoned Salt & Homemade Butter.

And on to Mother's Day 2011. Just LOVE my girls!

And I just LOVE my wonderful hunk-a-man! Big kiss, Sweetie!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~125~ 6/28/11

For Today . . .

Outside my window . . .
gorgeous sunshine, low humidity, lush green maple trees waving in the breezes.

I am thinking . . .
that this is a busy week, but it is filled w/seeing ppl I haven't seen in a long time.

I am thankful for . . . lasting friendships.

From the kitchen . . .
actually . . . I'm thinking: corndogs!

I am wearing . . .
jeans, tank top.

I am remembering . . .
school friends.

I am hoping . . . that the Lord will have mercy on us & bring godly people into the Presidential race . . . & that he/she will WIN.

I am creating . . .
a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am hearing . . .
the radio, typing fingers.

I am noticing . . . that "the world" will tear you down no matter how much good you try to do.

Around the house . . .
general pick up.

One of my favorite things . . .
lunch & lots of good gab w/girlfriends.

Plans for the week . . .
family time, work, worship practice, meeting w/some old school friends, Sunday worship.

Pondering these words . . . "God is not done w/Israel; we are witnessing history & prophecy fulfilled."

Scripture thought . . .
"I will increase the number of men & animals upon you, & they will be fruitful & become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past & will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD." ~Ezekiel 36:11

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you . . .

My dulcimer

Read 100's of other Daybooks at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hearing But Not Listening? Complaining But Not Praying?

"My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With their mouths they express devotion, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain. Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice." ~Ezekiel 33:31-32

"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of like and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever . . . Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for they would be of no advantage to you." ~Hebrews 13:7-8, 17

So, went to church, yesterday, did you? What was the sermon about? Did you know that most people don't remember even 3 points of Sunday's sermon on Monday.

you are at church are you just "there," mind wondering or are you inwardly criticizing the dominate soprano in the choir, rolling your eyes b/c the instruments were louder than the singers on the praise team, irritated that the pastor is preaching on "that" subject again? . . . or are you engaged in the worship and in the sermon.

you are simply "there" or something keeps you from engaging in your worship or the sermon, consider where you are in all of this. Remember that old saying: "when you are pointing at someone, there are 3 others fingers pointing back to you."

certainly, those things I mentioned CAN effect our worship & concentration, but if it happens on a regular basis then you need to consider talking to leadership about it, getting enough sleep, leaving . . . OR . . . dare I say it: PRAYER.

pray for the life of your church body?

Do you pray for your pastor(s), your Sunday School teachers (children's, teens' & adults), your worship team?

that your pastor(s) are not only under the Divine pressure of expressing the Word of God correctly & in a way that we can understand & apply it, & the praise team is not up front for your entertainment ~ they are there to bring you to the very Throne of God. God inhabits the praises of His people. (Ps. 22:3) God told Joshua to, literally, have the praise team march in front of the Israelites before they defeated Jericho. Maybe that's why worship is usually before the pastor opens His Bible & the Word of God is preached, to get us ready to receive & to prepare for the spiritual battles we will face in the coming week.

don't take the preparation & hard work of those who serve you for granted. Being "up front" is a calling to God's service that requires time, work & prayer . . . from everyone.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brainpower Seasoning Mix

A food seasoning that's good for the BRAIN?! Get outta here!

Well, as much as I enjoy homemade seasonings for my food (my favorite all-round, Greek, Italian/Zucchini), & since my family is dealing with my mom's dementia, this just might be worth a try.

You can use this seasoning mix for salads, popcorn, soups, stews, meats, etc. All of these ingredients can be found in bulk at better health food & bulk food stores.

~3 Tb sesame seeds
~4 Tb nutritional yeast
~2 Tb powdered kelp
~1 Tb powdered ginko
~1 Tb powdered gotu kola
~1 Tb lecithin granules
~1 Tb spirulina
~1 ts powdered rosemary
~Various of powdered kitchen herbs of your choice; the author recommends thyme & garlic [also try oregano & parsley ~ KW<><]
~A sprinkle-type container with a good, air-tight lid

1) Toast the sesame seeds in a heavy skillet, then grind them in a seed or nut mill [you may use a coffee grinder, but MAKE SURE that it is one that's dedicated to herbs only ~ otherwise, all of your herbs will smell like coffee. ~KW<><]

2) Combine the sesame seeds with the remaining ingredients, adding the kitchen herbs to taste.

**Recipe by Rosemary Gladstar

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ephesians 6:19 ~ 20

"Pray also for me,
that whenever I open my mouth,
words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

for which I am an ambassador in chains.
Pray that I may declare it fearlessly,

as I should.


Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Those 70's Girls

This morning, I was reading a Blog-Friend's blog. First, the title, Hippie Chick, caught my attention ~ after all, having been a teen & young adult in the '70's I HAD to see what she said. When I got there, she brought back some great "fashion memories." lol Things like: "long hair, sometimes braided, wore: jeans, peasant tops, crochet vests, fringed leather jacket, wedge heel shoes, or boots . . . "

Yep. Been there, done that. :-)

My answer to her was: "Yep, I'm right there w/you. I'm a 1977 grad. All the clothes you mentioned, I wore, too. I had Earth Shoes (JUST got a new pair last week after all these years!!!!) ~ I had 2 pairs: sandals for summer & oxfords for winter;

but if I weren't wearing those I had on my cowboys boots & was off somewhere riding a horse. I had loooong, straight hair, past my bootie. Hemp & leather jewelry,

mood ring,

POW/MIA bracelet.

{Google} ~ {Mine was Lt. Col. Burriss Begley ~ 12-5-66}
One of my favorite things to wear was one of my jeans skirts ~ when our favorite worn-out jeans were just about to give, we would find some funky material, split the inside-leg seams & sew the material to the front & back of the jeans & make an awesome long skirt.

If our jeans were really bad, we'd cut the legs off at the top, sew the leg opening together & make a purse; we'd cut a nice long piece from one of the legs, sew an end to each side of the waist of the new jean purse & that would be our shoulder strap.

Sometimes we'd even put a long strip of leather through the belt loops & tie it to look like our jean purse had a belt.

Ahhhh...thanks for the memories!"

Now, that's a blast from the past!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Monday, June 20, 2011

Shoshanna's Miracle Herb Rub & Oil

I know many of us have gleaned so much wisdom & information from the Pearl family. Their daughter, Shoshanna, has a great website, Bulk Herb Store, & puts out an equally great e-newsletter.

Her latest newsletter was quite timely at my house; you may know that my sweet DH recently discovered that the severe pain he was suffering from is a ripped muscle. Shoshanna's e-newsletter cut short my research for some relief for my DH w/the a reprint of her mom's Miracle Herb Rub recipe.

Thank you, Shoshanna!

It is easy & inexpensive to make so I thought I would share it w/you. I'm going to try the one for Bruises & Muscle Injury for my sweetie. Be sure to go to her website & sign up for her e-newsletter.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Miracle Herb Rub

Article by Debi Pearl, May 2006

Like BHS Newsletter - Issue 89 - Herbal Massage Oil on Facebook

There are muscle rubs, and again, there are muscle rubs. Through the combined knowledge of several people, we were able to come up with this amazingly effective combination. Every ache and pain you ever had will often just melt away. So, if you are one of the thousands of ladies who have back pain or are married to some hard working HE-man who needs a good back rub every once in a while, this is your rub. It beats Icy Hot or any other rub on the market. It’s easy to make, inexpensive, and will keep on the shelf until you need it. It smells so good and feels so smooth as it is rubbed in, and it causes deep relief.

• 1/2 cup Arnica flowers - whole
• 1/2 cup St. John’s Wart - cut
• 1 tsp. Cayenne pepper - powder
• 16 oz. wintergreen rubbing alcohol
• 1/4 - 1/2 cup olive oil

Simply combine a cup of the premixed herbs with 16 oz. of wintergreen rubbing alcohol (available in most pharmacies). Store the mixture in a dark, dry and cool place for 2 weeks (shaking daily). After the 2 weeks, strain, and discard the herbs. Add 1/4 -1/2 cup of olive oil, then bottle and label. Shake the mixture before each use. When finished, I store my Miracle Herbal Rub in hot sauce bottles because we always have several empty ones and they have tiny holes so I can shake the rub unto the skin. I usually make several bottles at a time, so they will be available to give to a friend in need.

Joint Pain
We have recently learned that a number of people have successfully used a variation of this remedy to deal with their rheumatism, tendonitis, arthritis, etc. Simply follow the same directions listed above, but do not add the oil. For temporary relief of any joint pain, apply the herbal rubbing alcohol all over the affected area. In just minutes, you’ll start to feel the pain disappear.

Bruises or Muscle Injury
Another variation of this remedy is used to dissolve bruises and alleviate muscle pains (inflammation) resulting from heavy physical training or an injury such as a torn or pulled muscle. It requires no rubbing alcohol and can be prepared in a matter of hours rather than a few weeks. In a saucepan, heat (slow simmer) equal parts of the premixed herbs with olive oil or lard for several hours or longer. Allow to cool, then strain and bottle the oil for use as needed. Many athletes prefer this variation after training or a workout. For more information on oil infusions, reference the books Herbal Antibiotics and Practical Herbalism.

These premixed herbs can also be made into an ointment or salve. As you can see, there are many ways to prepare this remedy for a number of different uses. There are books available from the Bulk Herb Store that will give you more information - might even make an herbalist out of you. The Bulk Herb Store is in no way connected to No Greater Joy Ministries or to Mike & Debi, so do not mix your correspondence.

Something to say?
comment on BHS Newsletter - Issue 89 - Herbal Massage Oil

A Word of Warning
• This is for external use ONLY. DO NOT use it internally.
• DO NOT use on broken skin.

Making an Infused Oil with Arnica

Depending how much massage oil to want, you will need a ratio of: 1 part Arnica flower and 5 parts of your favorite oil.

  1. Put the dried flowers in a glass jar
  2. Cover with carrier oil (olive)
  3. Place a paper towel or cheese cloth over the jar, secure with a caning ring
  4. Let sit for six weeks
  5. Check the oil from time to time, make sure the arnica is totally covered over with oil, add more if you need to.
  6. When it’s finished infusing strain with a cheese cloth. Put the oil in a pretty jar and label it.

To make a salve:

  1. 1 cup olive oil (warmed).
  2. 2-3 tsp of beeswax (melted).
  3. Mix oils together.
  4. Add 2 tbsp of the infused oil.
  5. Add a drop of vitamin E oil for every ounce of oil. This is a natural preservative.
  6. While salve is still hot, pour into your container (wide mouth jar, can, etc.).
  7. Let sit over night or until salve is hard.
  8. Screw a lid on tight and label with name and date.


~ If it is too soft for you, reheat it and add a bit more beeswax. If it is too hard reheat it and add a touch more oil.
~ Salves can keep up to five years or more.
~ Keep out of light and extreme heat.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Any Day with New Shoes is a Good Day!

Yes, yes . . . It's a good day today b/c I finally got the new shoes I've been waiting for. Ahhhh . . . my little piggies are happy as can be.

Age 10 ~ portfolio shot

I grew up in the fashion industry ~ although you'd never know it now & I do NOT have a problem w/that. My mom was in the fashion industry, so I slipped into it by osmosis . . . I began modeling at age 9 up until I was married at 25, plus did double duty as a make-up artist (which I loved) ~ 6 yrs full-time at a dept store & then part-time as a free-lance artist until I was around 32 ~ & then homeschooling took over from there. :-)

So, now that I have quite a few years of LIFE under my belt, I decided several years ago to "rebel" against the 3"-4" heels that I used to have to wear ALL day long in my "professional life" for so many years.

This is the same style I had in the 70's

However, in my teens/early 20's (mid 70's/early 80's), I DID have those better-as-time-went-by-shoes that I would fall right into in my off-time. In those years, they were either cowboy boots or my favorites ~ my Earth Shoes! Oh, yes, those negative heel Anne Kalso Earth Shoes. I had sandals for summer & a pair of oxfords (like those above). I have ALWAYS loved them & was thrilled to find out that they were back on the market, a few years ago. And, just so ya know, when the cowboy boots weren't around, they were good to ride horses in, too.

Now, admittedly, I did cheat on my Earth Shoes over the years. Once I decided that I needed to pamper my feet if I wanted them to serve me well for the long life I hope to live ~ I had an 11 year love affair w/my comfy, cozy Birkenstock mules.

But after wearing them for NEARLY EVERY DAY for those 11 yrs (ask ANYONE who knows me!),

Notice my shoes :-)

& after the soles split from the tops of the shoes & had to be repaired w/duct tape, I finally had to relieve them to garden duty. Fair-thee-well, my dear Birkies, you served me well.

This is what the bottom of my mules look like ~ when I can down-load from my camera again, I'll put pics of mine up.

As you may know, I went back to work outside the home in March of '10 & I am on my feet the whole time at the health food store. I wanted to get a pair of Birkies or Earth Shoes but we simply couldn't swing it, financially, so I got a pair of cheaper L.L. Bean shoes. Nice, comfy enough, but I have a high arch & those shoes simply don't do the trick. By the end of my shift there are nights when I just HAVE to take them off.

Now that my sweet hubby has a bette
r job he said I could get a pair of either Birkies or Earth Shoes! Woohoo!!! My precious Birkie mules are now $130 ~ yikes! They'll have to wait. So, I went to a local store that sells Earth Shoes &, since they didn't carry the ones I wanted, ordered my pair. I have waited patiently (eh-hem) for 4 weeks & finally got my shoes TODAY!!!!!!!!

The Instinct

My little piggies are in shoe heaven. I got the Instinct style so that my feet can breath & I can wear them with or w/o socks. I have to say that the soles are so much softer than the old-style Earth Shoes. They are comfy & cozy & feel good on my arches.

I'm seriously considering saving for these cute little sandals

The Freesia

and for these slightly dressier shoes.

The Simplista

It's been so long since I have been able to be the least bit extravagant & I am so thankful. Just hoping these will bring me many more years of comfort.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#29~ Think About Such Things

PASSAGE: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, what ever is right, what ever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable ~ if anything is excellent or praiseworthy ~ think about such things." ~Phil. 4:8-9

LESSON LEARNED: Just in case you live under a rock and haven't noticed, we live in a fallen world. If you have eyes, ears and can read you are bombarded by sin and temptation. It especially hurts me for the little ones; the little ones who are not only innocent but are learning to read.

Remember when you were learning to read? A whole new world was opening up to you and every sign you saw you were trying to sound it out. These days, those signs and bumper-stickers taint the innocent as soon as they see them ~ they see the bumper-stickers, read it . . . whoops . . . the world just spat in their face. And what about adults? We may think that we are wise and experienced and can handle the filth around us, but it all gets filed away somewhere inside.

Unlike the world, we have the Holy Spirit Who will guard our hearts and minds. But . . . we have to LET Him. The Holy Spirit is a Gentleman and He will not got where He is not invited.

In those times, invite Him in to help you to remember . . .

~Whatever is true . . . think about such things
~Whatever is noble . . . think about such things
~Whatever is right . . . think about such things
~Whatever is pure . . . think about such things
~Whatever is lovely . . . think about such things
~Whatever is admirable . . . think about such things
~The excellent and praiseworthy . . . think about such things

When the sin of the world tries to drag you into the mire . . . Think about such things.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#124~ 6/14/11

For Today . . .

Outside my window . . .
a little hazy, but the sun is shining & will soon burn off the haze. Pleasantly cool for this time of year.

I am thinking . . .
of all I need to accomplish today.

I am thankful for . . . my hubby's heath ~ that our little emergency last Thursday was NOT a heart-attack. A ripped muscle isn't easy, but it's a much more favorable out-come than heart problems! The Lord is SO good.

From the kitchen . . .
for whatever reason, Tuesday seems to be Bread Baking Day. :-)

I am wearing . . .
jeans, turquoise blue "Lakeside" top.

I am remembering . . . one of the funniest & truest pieces of advice my Daddy ever gave me: "Daddy, what do you do when you know you have to face something hard, when you're about to walk into a tough situation?" "Just tuck your butt-cheeks together & walk on!" I have used that advice many, many times in my life. lol Oh, I miss my Daddy. <3

I am hoping . . .
for peace & comfort for my mom.

I am creating . . . a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am hearing . . . radio, Maggie barking at the neighbors as they buzz down a tree . . . NOT the most peaceful combo.

I am noticing . . .
that my hair grows so fast! One day my hair will look pretty & simply do what I want it to do . . . & the next, all of a sudden it's too long. Well, at least I HAVE hair. :-)

Around the house . . . baking, weeding, laundry, general cleaning.

One of my favorite things
. . . "worn," distressed, primitive looking cabinets in a kitchen. Hopefully, I'll be distressing mine soon.

{Google photo}
Plans for this week . . . family time, work, worship practice, doing a few assessments for those wonderful homeschoolers (I miss those days), Sunday worship w/the saints.

Pondering these words . . . It's a surrender of my will, to the Holy Spirit, NOT to sin . . . EVERYDAY!!!! When I blow it, I repent, ask the Lord for forgiveness & start over. {My thoughts on a point made during a sermon.}

Scripture thought . . . ~Romans 6:13-14 ~
"Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; & offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness. For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace."

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you . . .

My old modeling days.

Read 100's of other Daybooks at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><