Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Busy, Thankful Thanksgiving
We are plenty busy this year, at Thanksgiving. However, all the preparation will be worth it when family gets together to enjoy our small feast and to enjoy each other's company.
So very, very thankful to have my family with me for the day, as DD#1 lives just far enough away from us that the drive and everyone's work schedules make it difficult to connect in person. Oh, how I miss that beautiful face.
In the meantime, I am going to post the links to 2 of my favorite past Thanksgiving offerings that you may have missed:
~Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclaimation
~the REAL story of the First Thanksgiving from Those Who were There. These are excerpts from the actual diaries of Gov. Bradford and Edward Winslow.
Enjoy and share these pieces of history so that they won't be forgotten.
REMEMBER and be THANKFUL for all that God has done for you. THAT is what this holiday is all about.
From our house to yours ~ God's richest blessings upon your household and our great country . . . Kim<><
Thursday, November 20, 2014
New Mommy Love ~ Homemade Sitz Bath
Most of my readers are ladies and if you haven't been already, you may someday be blessed with a sweet, beautiful, new baby . . . or someone you know will have a baby.
Oh, those sweet little toes and fingers, they were just made for kissing. That precious little face with it's soft, pink lips and dainty little nose . . . well . . . they were just made for kissing, too.
Now . . . let me take you to a different part of bringing home those sweet little babies, and that it Mommy Care ~ mom's postpartum care.
To be honest with you, there were A LOT of things that my mom never told me. Some of the things I had to find out the hard way, or from caring friends, were . . .
~most likely, you will NOT go home in your skinny jeans; the best going-home clothes are anything you wore around your 5th month of pregnanacy
~after a certain point in labor, all those Lamaze tricks just won't work anymore. Sorry :-(
~if you plan to nurse, just be aware that the first few days will likely be painful . . . but you WILL get through it and it WILL be worth it!
~if you have a C-section, MAKE SURE the nurse takes ALL of your staples out before you leave the hospital (guess how I know) :-(
~if you have a C-section, you may start to feel stronger quicker than your Dr told you that you would ~ DO NOT over-do it or your Dr will put you on bed rest or even back into the hospital
. . . And . . .
~if you have a "natural" birth, your poor little "bottom" is going to be sore for a few days. Owie.
One of the best ways to relieve the pain and itch from the stretched and mending paraneal skin is to do two things: 1) gently moisturize the area with extra virgin olive oil OR extra virgin/raw coconut oil, and 2) take a sitz bath at least once a day/night.
You can use store-bought products and spend a small fortune and be using something with chemicals in it on a very private area (and risk an irritating reaction) or you can make your own before the baby is born, so you will have them ready when you get home.
I keep my herbs in glass jars with
tight-fitting lids
It's easy to fill tea bags
with herbs
You will need:
~1/2 c. sea salt (grey Celtic sea salt OR Dead Sea salt)
~1/4 c. witch hazel bark
~1/4 c. yarrow
~1/8 c. uva ursi tea
~small mixing bowl
~jar with lid
~make-your-own tea bags
~sitz bath bowl (**optional**)
Use drawstring bags
heat-sealed bags
Directions:1) whisk all ingredients to mix
2) store in jar with lid OR fill your tea bags and store in an air-tight container
To Use:

Just after your baby is born: while running medium/hot water in your tub, drop a tea bag or two into the water and let it steep until the water gets a full as you like it. Gently sit down in the tub, slightly recline if you can so that you are not sitting directly on your tender paraneum. Try to relax and let the healing herbs begin to relax and heal.
Once you have started to heal (3-5 days later): use other tea bags or sprinkle a heaping TB of the herbs directly into your water. Relax and enjoy.
And then, after you have had your warm, healing, relaxing bath, give your sweet little baby a kiss for me.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Word-Filled Wednesday ~#130~ Pride vs Humility
"Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall."
~Proverbs 16:18
"But I am the LORD your God,
Who brought you out of Egypt.
You shall acknowledge no God but Me,
no Savior except Me.
I cared for you in the desert,
in the land of burning heat.
When I fed them, they were satisfied;
when they were satisfied, they
became proud;
then they forgot Me."
~Hosea 13:4-6
"My people are destroyed from lack
of knowledge . . .
because you have rejected
knowledge . . .
because your have ignored the law of
your God . . .
they exchanged their Glory for
something disgraceful."
~selected portions of
Hosea 3:6-7
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God . . . always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth." ~2 Timothy 3:1-4, 7
What a time of history we are living in. There have been times over the last 5 years that I have almost been overwhelmed with grief for my country and for several years, I've watched the advances of sin in the lives of dear friends and loved ones. What an age of deception and sin we live in! But . . . at the same time, we are blessed, as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, to be lights in the darkness. And as the rising sin of these last days increases, so increases our light shining brightly like stars in the darkness. (Phil. 2:15)
A monstrous sin that I see over-taking so many is pride. And NONE OF US, no not one, are exempt from it. There's always something that we do a little better than someone else, something that we learn just a little quicker then the next person, a talent that we have that someone else doesn't. Even the most precious, godly person you and I know has some little pang of pride about something.
Pride is the "original sin." Lucifer/Satan was Heaven's worship leader and was incredibly beautiful. But in his pride, he thought he would be a better god than GOD. (Isaiah 14:12-15) God then cast him down to earth and time was never the same. Do you remember this bit of history? What did Satan, the serpent, tempt Eve with? A piece of fruit? No . . . it was pride. He tempted her with the prick to her pride to "be like God." (Genesis 3:4) Oh . . . yesssss, you can almost hear his hisssssss as his words must have dripped with the honey of prideful liessssssss.
The farther our world gets away from the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ, the more corrupted by pride people get. The basis, the beginning, of almost all sin is pride and it seems that no one has the humility to hear ~ and possibly accept ~ that they are going down the wide path and need to be redirected onto the narrow way (Matt. 7:13). It seems that no one understands the futility, the consequences and the danger of pride.
Now, I'm NOT talking about taking personal pride in something you have done well. God gives us each talents and abilities to use for HIS glory ~ He expects us to use them and use them well and not waste our gifts ~ it's our attitude that matters. Are you humble and even somewhat amazed at your own gifts and talents ~ that's one type of "pride" ~ or are you so convinced that YOU are the all-in-all that you are unteachable? "If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else." (Galations 6:3-4)
Pride will lead to a great, great fall. Whether a person or a nation. It has always been that way. YOU have something ~ a talent, a job, a family, a church, a deep faith, a home, an ability, a social status, an education, certain knowledge ~ something ~ that someone wants. Have a humble pride in having this gift from God, but do not let it go to your head in such a way that you will "have a great fall."
If you see someone you love heading that way, gently remind them Whose they are and lead them to repentance. If you see this in your own life, remind yourself Whose YOU are and repent. We serve such a wonderful God Who forgives and restores.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Homemade Spiced Pumpkin Latte Mix
I have already given you my Spiced Chai Latte Mix, now I want to show you what I did to give that recipe a great fall kick.
Dress up your canning jar mixes by cutting
out pretty fabric squares, lay them
over the lid and under the ring,
then screw it onto the jar.
You know, you HAVE to have pumpkin . . . everything . . . in the fall on into winter, right? So, I decided to modify my recipe and do that "pumpkin thang" to it. :-Dover the lid and under the ring,
then screw it onto the jar.
You will need:
~1 c. coffee ~1 ts. cinnamon ~1/2 ts. cardamon ~1/4 ts. Frontier powdered pumpkin pie spice ~1/8 ts. ginger ~whisk ~small mixing bowl ~air-tight glass container
1) whisk to mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
2) carefully pour into air-tight glass container
To use:
#1 ~ use 1/3 c. per mug, fill with hot water, stir thoroughly to mix.
#2 ~ if you are making a pot of coffee and want something with a little kick, especially on a chilly day or night or around a camp fire, add a heaping TB of chai mix per scoop of coffee to your coffee maker. A great taste treat!
And as an extra treat ~ enjoy your spiced pumpkin latte with a batch of pumpkin chai cookies.
Yes . . . I know . . . you're welcome. ;-)
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Arnica Oil and Salve
I have a confession . . . AND a solution . . . and hopefully, it will benefit you as much as myself ~
I have the weirdest skin. :-/ From the neck up, I'm a grease ball; from the shoulders down, I'm so dry. To make matters worse, for last few years I get "winter itch."
One of the blessings of being the health and beauty buyer at a health food, is that reps and vendors and home remedy-makers from all over come to me and give me (or send me) samples of their products to see it I will try it and want to carry it in the store. Let me tell you, that can be a blessing AND a curse. Most of the things I try (or give to a co-employee to try) are great things and then we have to decide whether we can afford it AND whether we can fit it into our very limited space.
About a year ago, I found out the hard way that I am, evidently, allergic to some forms of sandalwood. *sigh* A rep gave me a sample of a beautiful, creamy-but-not-slimy sandalwood cream. Oh . . . and it was LOVELY. It was a dreamy creamy consistency, soaked right in and didn't leave my hands icky-sticky in case I touched my oily face and the fragrance . . . mmmm . . . so yummy. Well ~ shortly after I started using it, my winter itch came in with a vengeance! I was scratching so much that I looked like I'd been attacked by a cat . . . or TWO. So, what did I do? Why, I slathered on more and more of my lovely new sandalwood cream, of course! After about 2 weeks, I realized that my lovely cream was CAUSING my terrible, terrible itchiness because it was only worse in exactly the places I was using it! OH, NO!
So, I have spent most of the last YEAR trying to reverse the reaction. I have used my own salves, lotions and balms and they have helped quite a bit, but now my winter itch is trying to creep back. It stays at bay by about 80% with my own products, but just . . . not . . . entirely.
Something was missing.
I wish I would have thought to have taken before and after pictures, because even the last two weeks, alone, has been a time of great healing. I am SO relieved.
I have used various Arnica oils and homeopathic pellets for pain, bruising, muscle massage, and for my skin, but nothing had started to work as well as something yet another rep gave me a few weeks ago ~ an Arnica oil by Life Flo. It was starting to work better than the other things I'd been using, but it only went 'so far.' What got my attention was that ARNICA was one of the few ingredients that I hadn't put in any of my own products . . .

And you know me . . . since my sample oil was about to run out . . . off to do some research and experimenting I go.
I do believe I have hit upon THE recipe. I have played with the ingredients and love this blend. I can't tell you the difference in my skin. I have been using this AT LEAST twice a day ~ morning and night ~ and especially after a shower. My itchiness is WAY down and my scars are almost entirely gone, as well.
You can make this into an oil OR a salve. If you want the salve (which is especially good for bruises, rashes, scrapes, and general boo-boos) use the coconut oil, if you are more interested in the oil (for moisturizing your skin, massaging sore muscles, etc.) use one of the oils listed, below.
You will need:
~1-1/2 c. coconut oil (for the salve)
~1-1/2 c. olive, almond or grapeseed oil (for the liquid oil form - I use grapeseed because ALL skin-types can use it, even oily/acne-prone)
~1/4 c. dried arnica flowers
~1/4 c. dried comfrey
~1/8 c. dried rosemary leaves
~15 drops lavender essential oil
~10 drops frankincense essential oil
~5 drops peppermint
~5 drops wintergreen essential oil (gives a cool feeling, optional)
~an oven-safe bowl
~mesh strainer
~small bowl OR measuring cup with pour spout
~jar with a tight-fitting lid or a gasket lid (for salve) OR an amber bottle with a dropper or pump top (for oil)

1) heat your oven to 200* (F); once it reaches the temperature, turn it off
***if you are using the coconut oil, melt it - on low heat - while the oven is warming***
2) put the herbs and oil into an oven-safe bowl (NO METAL), mix well with your whisk, put into the oven and let it all steep for 4-5 hours.
***if you are using the coconut oil and it solidifies, simply GENTLY re-heat it to a liquid state at the end of the steeping time***
3) use your mesh strainer to strain the oil into a bowl OR measuring cup with pour spout; be sure to gently press the herbs so that as much oil as possible comes out; throw away used herbs
4) add essential oils and gently mix with the whisk
5) pour your salve into jars OR your oil into the amber bottles ~ the oil would also be nice in a roll-on :-)
6) To Use: apply as often as needed
Let me know how much you LOVE this wonderful product.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Gentlemen ~ The Bar Has Been Set . . . High
THE Man and I have two beautiful daughters. DD#1 (26) is married, DD#2 (23) is still single. DD#2 has determined in her heart, between she and the Lord, to pursue courtship when the time comes that she shares an interest with a young man. And we are thrilled because that was always our desire for our girls.
Last night, the show 19 Kids and Counting aired the proposal of Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald. It . . . was . . . lovely. So well thought-out, involved both families, filled with the love of a young couple determined to start their lives together with God as their firm Foundation.
My DD#2 was so impressed with this that she wrote a great 'status' on her Facebook about it. I couldn't have said it any better . . .
"Gentlemen, the bar has been set!
I know, really, no men watch 19 Kids and Counting because why would you, "It's so girly!!!" That is usually the comment I get every time I bring up that show or "19 kids?!?! Are they all theirs!?!?!?!" Yeah........ Anyways, this season has been all about courtship, something that is highly frowned upon in our society (and if its not your choice that is fine; so I'm not judging you.) But This season has been so awesome and enlightening for me, as a godly woman, especially. Let me explain to ya'll why I loved it so much this season: 1. The hearts for God in both courtships. 2. The parents on both sides being involved for godly guidance and accountability. 3. The patience both couples had; even though both couples said it was very hard to wait, but they did it anyways, and just how awesome the reward was of waiting!
Wow, God is good, all the time He is good.
I wanted to talk about last night's episode, especially, because it touched my heart in many ways. (I am going to attach the article of all the details on the bottom of this status for anyone who would like to read it.) It was the proposal episode; Ben Seewald proposing to Jessa Duggar. I am saying the bar has been set gentlemen, not because I want you to spend all your money and savings just to make your girlfriend happy when you propose to her . . . no, let me explain . . . This young man, Ben, really put his heart and soul into this proposal and did a beautiful job in keeping God at the center of his proposal. (I'm not going to give everything away for those that haven't watched it yet. But I am going to say where he led her to for the proposal.) At the end of the scavenger hunt he led her to a church that was up on a mountain, that was made of glass and was completely see-through; and he waited for her at the alter. She went all over the place searching for his clues but in the end she had to walk down the isle to get to him; and once she got there he grabbed her hand and just thanked God for putting her into his life.
Now, I said the bar was set, did I not gentlemen? Because if you are a man of God whether you are single, dating/courting, or married this was such an awesome way of showing how to love a woman like Christ loves His church. We have lost this awesome gift in this day and age, it is so rare to watch a man PURSUE a woman in a godly way, just as Christ pursues His church. And I am praying for my brothers in Christ to not miss out on something like this because it is just so awesome and well worth the wait. And to my sisters in Christ, we need to step up our game as well; if we make ourselves easy prey and not make these men of God work hard to pursue us, then what example are we setting for them? That we are an easy catch? No. If we are God's daughters then we are far more then pieces of meat; do not EVER think of yourself as second best or that you should settle for the first man that looks your way. You, my sister/brother, were bought at a price and have so much value and worth! Do not sell yourself short just because you do not want to be patient and wait for God's best. We need to start acting like children of the King and not like children of the world.
God Bless your day"
Well said, my dear daughter, well said.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
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