Photo by Gunars Cakste
This morning on his Facebook, a good friend of ours posted this photo (above). His caption said: "This deer stood in front of my truck until the fawn was safe." Mother's are engraved with that God-given love and nurturing "gene". Usually, when a child is hurt or sick, who do they go to? Mommy. When they need a toy fixed, who do they go to? Daddy.
We are their soft place to land.
BUT . . . if someone or something threatens to harm our children, we will put our own bodies between them and that danger without a second thought as to what will happen to us. It's engrained into all mothers ~ even in the animal kingdom.
And our loving God knows exactly how to love and nurture us, like a mom, AND how to fix things that go wrong in our lives, like the wonderful Father that He is. Not just because He created us, but because everything that is of the ultimate Parent . . . He is. "So God created man in His own image, in the image God He created him; male and female He created them" ~Gen. 1:27
Let this be a day that we rejoice in our children, our earthly parents (if you still have them here) AND our Heavenly Father.
Let Him be your soft place to land today.
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><