Friday, January 31, 2014

Medicinal Tea Herb Storage

Way back in 2009, I shared with you about "Pantry Tins ~ Using What Ya Got" and in 2010, I gave you a look into my winter kitchen and showed you how I save jars and bottles for my herbs, herbs mixes and sauces. And since then, I've given you recipes for various herb mixes and medicinal tea blends ~ today, I'm going show you how I store and label my tea blends.
As you can see, I'm a bit of a jar and bottle hoarder. O:-) But believe me, if I don't use them myself, you can be sure that some of them will be used as gifts of herbal tea or spice blends or for my married daughter (who just happens to run out of something and forgets to bring her jar to re-fill. Eh-hem ;-) ). 

Originally, I started keeping my jars of tea herbs in a lovely basket on my kitchen counter. But as you can see, I need to get a bigger basket! So, as my cupboards are full of cooking spices, for the time-being, I simply park the extra herb jars next to my basket. 
The most important thing that I do is, when making my little labels, I not only write which herb is in the jar, but (it's a little hard to see) I write 1 or 2 things that the herb is good for. Chickweed ~ cleansing, weight loss; Slippery Elm ~ sore throat, stomach; Eucalyptus ~ breathing; Nettle ~ breathing, sinus, allergies; Horehound ~ colds, sore throat . . . 

Once I had to go back to working outside the home, in 2010, I am not always around to make these blends for my family, so now, with the labels, they know exactly what to put into their tea ball. Also ~ I have made up jars of some of our family favorites such as my Sinus Tea and Headache Comfort Tea
Many craft stores and bulk food stores offer lovely little jars that you can use for your spices, herbs and tea blends ~ and I enjoy those, too ~ but (as you can see in the 2nd photo) you don't HAVE to spend money on new jars. Be frugal and do what I usually do and save your honey jars, squeeze honey bottles, lotion bottles (which I also use for homemade skincare items), mushroom jars, jelly/jam jars, olive jars, pasta sauce jars, etc. You can find lovely old tea tins or old Hoosier herb jars at second-hand and antique stores, if they are already labeled, great, simply re-fill them with the same herb. Do you enjoy Republic of Tea teas and don't know what to do with those pretty tea tins? The herb blends that they use are on the side of the tin, make your own blend of the same ingredients and store it in the already labeled tin. Remember: the 1st item on the list is what makes up the bulk of the blend and then each item listed thereafter is used less and less. It may take you a time or two to get your blend to where you like it, but that's part of the fun. You may even like YOUR blend better! 

Let us know if you have other herb storage ideas.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Fennel is a plant that has so many uses. It's even mentioned in the Bible (Is. 28:27).

Fennel is one of those herbs that has so many uses, plus ~ bonus ~ it's even a lovely, visually appealing addition to your herb garden

Originally from the Mediterranean area, it's popularity over the centuries has brought it all over the world and it can been grown anywhere the summer sun shines down a goodly amount of heat. So, depending upon where you are, most likely you can grow it in your garden. I will be adding some to mine this year, as it's been a while since I've had it.

The sprigs (leaves) and stems are a yummy addition to your salad and, if you buy any of the pre-mixed bags of salad, you've probably already had it. If you like sauces with your fish or chicken, sprinkling in some of the fine, little fennel sprigs will make a great addition to your sauce. Fennel is also a nice mild addition for your herb bread.

Fennel seeds have a licorice taste and munching on just a few of the whole seeds is a great breath freshener. They also help with after meal bloat, reflux and stomach acid.

Using the seeds as a medicinal tea is good for SO MANY things:
  • indigeston
  • curbs appetite while dieting
  • light detox and diuretic
  • calms bloating
  • calms stomach acid and reflux
  • opens blocked sinuses
  • cools the liver, helps with alcohol damage
  • relieves pain from gout and arthritis 
  • constipation
  • regulates menstrual cycles
  • greatly improves milk production in nursing mothers
  • migraine headaches
  • saturate a cotton ball in a strong tea and apply to insect bites and scratches to take away the itch and pain
As an essential oil, blend 5 drops per TB of grapeseed or olive oil and use as a message oil, specifically for sore muscles.

If your dog has fleas, 1) sprinkle just a few sprigs into your dog's food and 2) pick off a small bunch of fennel from your garden, give the sprigs a few light squeezes ~ enough to get just a little juicy ~ and rub into the fur on your dog's back. Even if he licks it, it won't hurt him (they kinda like it) but the fleas will hate it. :-) 

Don't like your freckles? Warm up a TB of honey, add 1/2 ts of crushed fennel seed, mix well. Apply to your face, leave on for about 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Do this about twice a week.

So much from such an over-looked herb ~ attractive in the garden and all of it's parts are useful. 
Eden ~ Ron DiCianni
And people wonder why God put Adam and Eve in a garden

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#106~ Daddy's Girl

"Yet I am not ashamed, because I know Whom I have believed." ~II Timothy 1:12

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty." ~II Corinthians 6:18

Last Sunday, our pastor raised an interesting question:

"What would God have to say about my
relationship with Him?"

 Wow. Just hit me between the eyes, why don't ya?! 

So, I had to do some thinking about that.

Now, I was and will always be, a daddy's girl. I had just about the best earthly father God ever blessed anyone with. I always looked up to my daddy, I adored my daddy and I was unashamedly his princess.  He would always give you the best advice that he knew how and he was quick to help in any way he could. He was funny and sharp and there weren't too many things I'd rather do than talk and laugh and simply be with my daddy.

Now that my earthly daddy is with the Lord (we lost him suddenly in 1999), the Lord has become more of my Father than ever. And, I love to talk to my Father. As I have mentioned in earlier posts from time-to-time, I have tried to train myself to make my thought-life an on-going conversation with the Lord, as Brother Lawrence recommended. Let's face it, as much as we want to, as many good intentions that we may have, there are days when we simply can't sit down to a dedicated prayer time

I have found that I can easily shoot up a quick prayer for myself of someone else, for the words to say when witnessing to someone or answering a tough question or wisdom in dealing with my children. I can laugh with Him, I can thank Him for that red-tailed hawk that I know he sat on that telephone pole just for me. I can talk to Him about the wonders of a star-lit night as I take the dog out for her last walk of the day. To call up to Him when an emergency happens or I see someone in distress on the highway. When I need wisdom, quickly.

God wants us to WANT to talk to Him. It doesn't have to be long flowery "King James" prayers ~ He knows who you are, He knows where you are, He knows the real you. He just wants you to be real with Him ~ TALK to Him.

In his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence said,

"He does not ask much of us, merely a thought of Him from time-to-time, a little act of adoration, sometimes to ask for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, at other times to thank Him for the graces, past and present, He has bestowed on you, in the midst of your troubles to take solace in Him as often as you can. Lift up your heart to Him during your meals and in company; the least little remembrance will always be the most pleasing to Him. One need not cry out very loudly; He is nearer to us than we think."     

Yes, every father loves to talk to his children. Oh, how our dear heavenly Father loves to converse with us. And the more you talk to Him, the more you'll know what He thinks about your relationship with Him . . . 

that YOU are his precious child.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Colloidal Silver

At the time of this writing, we are in the midst of the cold and flu season; and this has been a terrible year. And the people who seem to be suffering the worst? Those who were talked into getting the flu shot. Personally speaking, I'm not the least bit surprised.

I am grateful that the health food store I work at does not require us to get one. And for those who are required by their employers to get one (if they know to do it), they make a bee-line into the store and grab up either a heavy metal cleanse or a whole body cleanse and start on it right away. And many of these are people who are in the health care industry! They do NOT want it. I don't blame them, I would do the same thing and get that poison out of my system asap

Alternately, there are many ways to try to keep yourself and your family well during these highly contagious seasons and around highly contagious people ~ a quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement (whole food, if possible), increasing your daily in-take of vitamin D3, echinacea, or even olive leaf extract or oregano extract

Another product that does very well with boosting immunities and has remarkable healing qualities is Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver has been around for centuries and was even recommended and written about by Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine." I'll bet your grandparents have used it, if not your own family. 

CS can be used both internally and topically and may be bought as a gel (topical use) or in a more liquid state (internal AND topical use). The list of benefits is nearly endless, both internally and topically: 

  • viruses and allergies: from colds, flu, chicken pox, shingles, warts, herpes/cold sores, hay fever, various allergies, etc.
  • skin conditions: simple cuts and scrapes, cradle cap, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, ringworm, poison ivy/oak, insect stings/bites, acne, blackheads, boils, skin tags, etc.
  • inflammation due to infection, bladder inflection, tonsillitis, GIRD/reflux, yeast infections, thrush, parasites, stomach ulcers, gum disease, etc.
  • SOME have even declared benefits for reducing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, certain cancers, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, gum disease, etc.**
Most companies offer a variety of bottle-types ~ spritzers, squirt, nose sprays, different-sized droppers, pour spout. And, personally, I always look for brown glass bottles. Some companies offer other fine products, but they put them in blue or brown plastic bottles ~ I, personally, prefer brown glass for prolonged purity of product. Also note that the gel form should only be used topically, while the liquid form can be used topically or internally.

The better products are usually made with 10 parts-per-million ~ look for 10PPM on the label. CS is NOT meant to be diluted, use it in the state you buy it in. 

Generally accepted doses:

Maintenance dose: Recommended ingestion for adults - One teaspoon daily.
We [website] recommend ½ dosages for children 4 years and older, or as directed by a health care provider
In the presence of others with compromised immune systems: Recommended ingestion – 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, or as directed by a health care provider.
When confronted with an immediate immune challenge that may have compromised your feeling of wellbeing: Recommended ingestion – Take 1 teaspoon 7 times a day.
Long-term immune stress or compromise: Recommended ingestion – Take 1 teaspoon 5 times a day, or as directed by a health care provider.
How many sprays or droppers = 1 Teaspoon?
50 vertical sprays = 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
30 fine mist sprays = 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
6 (2 oz/60 ml) droppers = 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
5 (4 oz/120 ml) droppers = 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
5 (8 oz/240 ml) droppers = 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
Note: Although the dropper only fills up half-way with 1 squeeze, this is considered to be 1 dropper.

For full disclosure, you should know that my favorite CS brand is Sovereign Silver. (Dosage information, above, is from their website) I think that their products are of the highest quality and sold at the best prices. You can find their products in most health food stores. Another product to ALWAYS have in your first aid kit.

Stay well!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

**Please see disclaimer at bottom of page**

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#105~ Living with Forgiveness

"Who is a God like You,
Who pardons sins and forgives the 
of the remnant of His inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.
You will again have compassion on us;
You will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the
depths of the sea."
~Micah 7:18-19

"For as high as the heavens are above
the earth,
so great is His love for those who 
fear Him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our 
transgressions from us . . . "
~Psalm 103:11-12

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ~ of whom I am the worst." ~1 Timothy 1:15
Ron DiCianni
It is continually amazing to me that the Lord shepherds us down completely individual roads to bring us to our final destination ~ eternity in heaven with Him ~ all because, SIMPLY because, we accepted Him as our Savior and Lord. We accepted the greatest gift of His grace ~ that HE suffered for our individual sins upon the cross, died and then rose again to prepare a place for us.


For me . . . for  you.

We all have our own storied past, and to the Lord, sin is sin. No matter the sin ~ sin is sin. We all fall short of the mark of perfection.

God looks at ALL sin the same, but in our humanness, we think in "degrees" or "not-so-bad . . . bad . . . worst." And some of us tilted the scale a little past that "middle" mark and were BAD. I was BAD

So . . . when you KNOW that you have no earthly business reaping the blessings that forgiveness brings, how do you live with that? The memories, the shame. God can forget all that I've done, but how can I accept His forgiveness with the memory of what I've done?

First, DO NOT listen to the LIES of the devil. When he tries to tell you that you are different, that you are undeserving of God's grace and forgiveness, that "see, you sinned again, you aren't really saved." Just remember that he is a LIAR ~ he's the father or LIES (John 8:44) and he's whispering the same lies into the ear of your pastor, to Billy Graham and to that sweet little old lady on the pew next to you who has been a Christian since childhood.

Second, as unimaginable as it may seem, GOD Himself has a purpose for your life that only He can accomplish through you. And it may not even be for you, personally, but you may be a branch in a mighty family tree ~ read Jesus' earthly family tree (Matt. 1:17). There was some BAD fruit hanging on that tree . . . but . . . . they were ALL used by God for His glory.

Third, share your testimony . . . 
"Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
'Now have come the salvation and the 
power and the kingdom of 
our God,
and the authority of His Christ.
For the accuser of our brothers,
who accuses them before our God
day and night,
has been hurled down.
They overcame him 
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony . . .'"
~Rev. 12:10-11(a)
Ron DiCianni
YOUR testimony is a mighty weapon, the devil knows that it is a crushing blow against him. Use it

God's forgiveness is our greatest gift AND our greatest weapon. Use it to HIS glory.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#201~ 1/21/14

For Today . . . 

Outside my window . . . snow and wind, the light of day is fading and turning the snow to blue. Lovely.

I am thankful . . . for a warm, cozy home and a family who loves me.

I am thinking . . . of how blessed I am to have a godly husband who shoulders so many burdens for us.

From the kitchen . . . ground chuck with yellow rice and mixed veggies.

I am wearing . . . jeans, gray shirt, gray heathered sweater, warm socks, moccasin slippers.

I am creating . . . a peaceful, CHRIST-centered home.

I am going . . . to stay home this cold, cold night.

I am wondering . . . if I should try to become a certified herbalist.

I am hoping . . . for connections.

I am looking forward to . . . what this year will bring.

I am learning . . . that learning never ends.

About the house . . . quiet ~ just DD#2, Maggie the dog and I at home right now.

I am pondering . . . options.

I am reading . . . "Agenda 21" by Glenn Beck

One of my favorite things . . . candle light.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . family time, work, praise practice, errands, research for projects and blogs posts, worship with the saints.

A favorite quote of the day . . . "There is a difference between having a relationship with "church" and a relationship with Jesus." ~from Sunday's sermon.

Scripture thought . . . "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect." ~I Cor. 15:10

A Picture thought for you . . . 

 A relative had an old family photo colorized. That handsome 16 year old young man on the right is my Daddy <3 span=""> 

Read 100's of other Daybooks and register to start your own at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chickweed ~ Weight Loss is Just the Beginning

To many gardeners, Chickweed is a nuisance. They see it as a little white-flowering weed. Much like peppermint, once it's established, it can be hard to get rid of. 
But, if you can get past that little "flaw," you'll find that Chickweed is one of the most versatile and useful of herbs. If your parents or grandparents were medicinal tea users or are familiar with home remedies, I'm sure they are familiar with it's benefits.
First, and foremost, it's a tasty little tea herb. I drink it quite often and many times, I don't even use honey. It has it's own, very pleasant citrus-sweet kind of taste. Chickweed has often been used to help with weight loss because it has a light cleanse benefit. It's mild diuretic effect detoxifies and helps the function of your urinary tract, bladder and kidneys and flushes waste and fat right on out. My family and I are introducing ourselves to Rick Warren's Daniel Plan diet/lifestyle; one of the things we are encouraged to have as much as we want is water and herbal teas; since this little tea is herbal AND a mild diuretic, it fits this plan very well. Just think: a good-tasting herbal tea that suppresses your appetite AND calms your cravings!!

Even though I am a tea enthusiast, you may also take Chickweed as an herbal supplement in capsule form. Barring any allergies, this is one of the safest weight loss supplements. 

**Please Note** Using several cups (more than 3 or 4 per day) of Chickweed tea will result in a laxative "effect." So, be careful how much you use. 

Here's something for EVERY woman ~ Chickweed tea is well known to help reduce AND heal uterine fibroid cysts! Most uterine fibroids are made of fat and plaque that builds up in the uterus of those who are prone to this condition. Once again, Chickweed's cleansing/flushing action help shrink those fibroids. My research recommends 3 cups of tea per day.

Another benefit of Chickweed's cleansing/flushing action is that it may also help with Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Drinking 2-3 cups when symptoms erupt, will help with intestinal absorption and help with bowl function.

In many parts of the world, Chickweed tea is a well-known remedy for respiratory problems. At first signs of a chest cold or flu, start the tea pot singing
Once again, thanks to the flushing action of this multi-function little herb, you may start feeling better a little quicker. If you can, make a tea that's half-and-half Chickweed and Slippery Elm Root for a great throat-coat tea. Cuts down on those nasty coughing fits.

As Chickweed tea flushes and cleanses, Chickweed salve or strong tea dabbed on the skin draws and heals. It is especially good for topical skin issues for everything from acne to rashes to cuts and scrapes to bug bites. I know this for a fact because this is the very reason that I started my research on the uses of Chickweed. As you can already see, I "stumbled" upon quite a treasure trove of usefulness. 

As health and beauty buyer at the health food store I work at, I am blessed to receive products to try out to see if we would like to carry them in the store.  Early last fall, I tried a beautiful hand and body cream that had Sandlewood in it. As I am not usually an allergy-prone person, I had no problem agreeing to try it. It was lovely ~ smelled so good and it's creamy texture went on smoothly and then would sink right into my skin. Shortly after starting to use it, I began itching like crazy, I thought that my annual "winter itch" had started a little early. No problem ~ I'll just use more of my lovely new Sandlewood cream. :-) Well, silly me, it took a couple of weeks of INTENSE SUFFERING as my itching got so bad that I would scratch until I literally drew blood ~ which, of course, made terrible scratches and scabs all over my arms and legs ~ until I realized that the very thing I was using was causing my problem. I used my chamomile salve which gave some relief, but I still had some itching and, of course, as I healed I now had more scars and scabs from all my scratching. I was never so glad for long sleeves in my life!

So, after doing my research, I discovered what seemed to be "the miracle of Chickweed." I started making a strong tea ~ a packed-full tea ball that I let steep for 20 minutes. I dabbed a cottonball into the tea and swiped it, at least twice a day, over my hands, arms and legs. Almost instantly, my itching stopped and I have since lost almost all of my unsightliness. 
You can see a few little scar-spots on top of my hand that's all that's left where it had, before, looked like I had been playing with and been scratched-up by a naughty little kitten. I am so happy to be almost back to normal.

Wow! What a great find! All those benefits in one little herb. If you have any other uses for Chickweed, please let us know.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ezekiel Bread ~ For the Bread Machine

"Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself. You are to eat it during the 390 days you lie on your side. Weigh out twenty shekels* of food to eat each day and eat it at set times. Also measure out a sixth of a hin** of water and drink it at set times." ~ Ezekiel 4:9-11

*about 8 oz.
**about 2.3 quart
Many people eat of enjoy Ezekiel Bread, the bread best known to have been based on these ingredients given to Ezekiel by God. It's a huge seller at the health food store I work at. Ezekiel Bread is considered the perfect fasting food.
Now, if you've spent any time on this blog at all, you know that I and my family are Bread Heads. :-) We LOVE our bread and it is such a blessing to me that my family's favorite bread is my flaxseed meal bread. That's why, as my family is about to jump head-long into the Daniel Plan life-style, one of the few breads allowed on the plan is Ezekiel Bread

From time-to-time, I have made the other Ezekiel recipe I posted several years ago. It's a very good recipe, but it's very dense and, quite frankly, my family has been spoiled by my soft, high-rise bread; and another frank admission ~ since I had to return to work in 2010, I just don't have the time to make all of my bread by hand anymore. I prefer to let my bread-maker do all the heavy lifting (mixing and kneading) while I do the last rise and bake in a loaf pan in the oven. 

So, on a quest for a do-able recipe, I went. I need to have a good bread-maker recipe that my family will enjoy or it's simply useless and wasteful to make something we won't eat. Well, I do believe I found it . . . and of course, as always, with a little tweaking by me. :-) I made my first loaf today and, I have to say, it is quite good. Much softer than I had expected, too. My only disappointment is that it didn't rise as high as I would have liked ~ or rather, as I am used to, as you can see.
 I will probably double or 1/2-again the recipe below the next time I make it. But with that said, I do think my family will really enjoy this bread. I sure do.
You will need: (1 lb. loaf)

~1 c. hot water
~1/4 c. red kidney beans (cooked and drained ~ *short cut: use canned beans, drained)
~1/4 c. lentils (cooked and drained ~ *short cut: use canned lentils, drained)
~1 1/2 TB extra virgin olive oil
~1 1/2 TB raw, unfiltered honey
~3/4 ts. sea salt OR Kosher salt
~2 c. UNBLEACHED white whole wheat bread flour
~1/2 c. millet flour
~1/4 c. spelt flour
~1/4 c. flaxseed meal
~2 ts. yeast
~spray oil (I use grapeseed)
~loaf pan

1) layer ingredients in the bread machine in order listed
2) to do entire process in bread machine, use "basic" cycle OR if you will be baking the bread in your oven, use "dough" cycle
~continue for oven baking~
3) when you are down to 10-15 minutes left for your bread machine's dough process, preheat your oven to 350*
4) spray loaf pan with oil; take dough out of bread machine, shape into loaf, place in loaf pan
5) IF DESIRED, lightly sprinkle a few oats or various seeds on top of loaf (sesame, pumpkin, flax, sunflower)
6) bake in oven for 30-35 minutes, until baked through
Let me know how much you LOVE this bread. Enjoy!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><  

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#104~ Jesus, Name Above All Names

Our dear, long-time friend and former pastor, Tom Sager, once read this during a church program. He was kind enough to give me a copy ~ I think it's a great way to not only start off the new year, but to even keep in our Bibles and read from time-to-time as a wonderful reminder.


The Name of Jesus is the most powerful Name ever spoken by human lips. We find His presence and power described through the Bible:

In GENESIS, Jesus is the Word that spoke all thing into existence,
In EXODUS, He's the Passover Lamb,
In LEVITICUS, He's the High Priest,
In NUMBERS, He's the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night,
In DEUTERONOMY, He's the great Lawgiver,
In JOSHUA, He's the Might Conqueror,
In JUDGES, He's the Deliverer Who saves us,
In RUTH, He's our Kinsman Redeemer,
In 1st and 2nd SAMUEL, He's our Trusted Prophet,
And in KINGS & CHRONICLES, He's our Reigning King.

In EZRA, He is our Faithful Scribe,
In NEHEMIAH, He's the Rebuilder of everything that is broken in our lives,
In ESTHER, He is our Lord over History,
In JOB, He's our Redeemer that lives forever,
In PSALMS, He is our Shepherd Who meets our every need,
And in the SONG OF SOLOMON, He's the Beautiful Bridegroom.

In ISAIAH, He's the Suffering Servant,
In JEREMIAH & LAMENTATIONS, Jesus is the Weeping Prophet,
In EZEKIEL, He's the Spirit that brings new life,
In DANIEL, He is the Fourth Man in the fiery furnace,
In HOSEA, He is our Faithful Lover,
In JOEL, HE baptizes us with the Holy Spirit,
In AMOS, He's the Plumb Line of righteousness,
And in OBADIAH, He is our Savior.
In JONAH, He is the Great Missionary Who calls us to repentance,
In MICAH, He is the Messenger of Justice,
In NAHUM, He is the Avenger,
In HABAKKUK, He is the Watchman Who is ever praying for revival,
In ZEPHANIAH, He is the Lord might to save,
In HAGGAI, He is the Restorer of our lost heritage,
In ZECHARIAH, He is our Fountain of cleansing,
And in MALACHI, He is the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wing.

In MATTHEW, He is the King of the Jews,
In MARK, He is the Servant of man,
In LUKE, He is the Son of Man,
In JOHN, He is the Son of God,
In ACTS, He is the Savior of the World,
In ROMANS, He is the Righteousness of God,
In I CORINTHIANS, He is The Rock,
In II CORINTHIANS, He is the Triumphant One, giving victory
In GALATIONS, He is our Liberty to set us free,
And in EPHESIANS, He is the Head of the church.

In PHILLIPIANS, He is our joy,
In COLOSSIANS, He is our completeness, 
In 1st and 2nd THESSALONIANS, He is our very life,
In 1st TIMOTHY, He is our faith,
In 2nd TIMOTHY, He is our stability,
In PHILEMON, He is our Benefactor,
And in TITUS, He is our Truth.

In HEBREWS, He is our Perfection,
In JAMES, He is the Power behind our faith,
In 1st PETER, He is our Example,
In 2nd PETER, He is our Purity,
In 1st JOHN, He is our Light,
In 2nd JOHN, He is our Power,
In 3rd JOHN, He is Motivation,
And in JUDE, He is our Faith.

In REVELATION, He is our Coming King! . . . 

HE IS the First and the Last,
HE IS the Beginning and the End,
HE IS the Keeper of all creation and the Creator of all,
HE IS the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all time,
HE IS unmoved, unchanged, unmatched, undefeated and NEVER will be undone,

"And at the Name of JESUS, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! To the glory of God the Father." ~Philippians 2:10-11

Amen and AMEN.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><