Friday, March 27, 2015

Sweet Reunion

Today was such a good day . . . 

I had lunch with my very 1st bestest friend. :-) 
We met in kindergarten and went all the way through our school years together. We hadn't seen each other since our high school graduation in 1977.
Life has handed us both a few lemons, but the Lord made sweet lemonade out of it all.

Love you, Bev.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Homemade Antiseptic Skin Spray

Everybody gets boo-boos, right? 
Minor cuts, scratches, scrapes, bug bites, sunburn . . . 
 DD#1 with a sunburn ~
My personal favorite cure-all is my homemade Thieves Oil and all the wonderful uses there are for it, but some people simply do not like that strong smell. (I happen to love it and would wear it as a perfume if I could! :-D )

So, for my family and friends who prefer something that is very effective, quickly relieves that pain or sting and stops those germs in their tracks, I also have on-hand a wonderful antiseptic skin spray that is just as strong, just not as strong smelling.

Another easy-peasy recipe:
 This is all you need ~ 
You will need:

~a clean spray/mist bottle (approx. 4 oz. size for this recipe)
~10 drops tea tree essential oil
~10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

~7 drops lavender essential oil
~4 drops frankincense essential oil
~3-4 oz. of distilled water
~1/2 oz. whiskey or vodka


1) add all essential oils to your spray/mist bottle
2) add distilled water
3) add whiskey/vodka
4) shake to blend

To Use:

1) Shake well before using to blend the oils
2) spray liberally onto boo-boo
3) if necessary ~ cover boo-boo with a band-aide. 
4) reapply as needed

**NOTE** If you are concerned about the alcohol, remember that MOST common cough syrups (also see my Medicinal Hot Toddy recipe) and antiseptic meds contain alcohol. It is a time-tested germ killer. 

As bug and outdoor activity seasons approach, be sure to let me know how you like this product. Your comments are always welcome.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#140~ The Overflow of the Heart

I suppose it is a sign of the times, but it seems to me that our world is suffering from a hardening of the heart

And it breaks mine.

In Scripture, the heart is the human center of a person, and we are warned that in the last days many (most) hearts will grow cold (Matt. 24:12). While it is an exciting time to live in ~ KNOWING that the Lord will return soon ~ it is also heartbreaking to see sin's increase that must take place before Jesus comes back. And sometimes that sin, that hardness of the heart, happens to people that we love

Whether we love or hate, those emotions are rooted in our heart. These emotions can take a bitter root or are rooted in God's love, and God IS love.

So, guard YOUR heart. Don't let any root of bitterness or hatred grow in your heart. Keep weeding it and feeding it with God's Word. After all . . . you are what you eat!
Share the GOOD NEWS of God's Holy Word, let it overflow from your heart and encourage each other as we watch Scripture unfolding before our very eyes.

Stand strong. God is on His throne.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homemade Antibiotic Capsules

This winter has been terrible for colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia . . . and everything in-between. We've all had sick friends and relatives, co-workers, schoolmates, church family . . . it may even have hit you. Almost everyone has had to miss something because they were laid-up in bed or on the "sick couch." 

And most of those people were talked into taking Rx antibiotics for help getting rid of the Creeping Crud . . . which usually leads to other problems ~ lowered resistance to catch another virus, yeast infections, body chemistry completely screwed up, gut problems because the good bacteria was killed along with the bad bacteria. I have waited on people (at the health food store) who have come in, over and over, with ALL of these issues ~ ALL caused by reaction to their Rx antibiotics. 

But, when you're sick, what are you supposed to do?! 

One thing you can do is make your own antibiotic capsules. Using essential oils that (unless you are allergic) will kill all the nasties without the above side effects. 

(**NOTE** While on ANY antibiotic, be sure to take a good, strong probiotic; 50 billion - 100 billion strains. This will replace any good bacteria that is being killed off with the bad bacteria.) 

These are SO very simple to make, only 4 items . . . 
You can buy empty capsules at most health food stores, a few drug stores, or through bulk companies like Frontier and Mountain Rose Herbs; in gelatin or vegetarian capsules.
Thieves Oil is, I believe, a large part of what keeps my family well. This is an historic blend of 5 essential oils with germ killing wellness factors all of their own, but together will fight off almost anything. I use my homemade Thieves oil in so many things ~ I keep a little bottle in my purse which I also take out and keep in my work apron at the health food store; I rub a couple drops into my hands as a hand sanitizer after every 2-3 customers and especially after I handle dirty money or use the credit card of someone who is obviously sick. I use it in my homemade toothpaste, I use it in my homemade room spray for the bathroom and to spray around the house when a family member is sick, and I put a drop into my Wellness Tea if I think I'm starting to feel a little fuzzy-headed to nip-in-the-bud anything I might be coming down with. EXCELLENT oil blend.
Oregano Oil is a certified herbal antibiotic all by itself. I switch back-and-forth between using oregano essential oil and a product called Oreganol P73. Frankly, in my own experience, not a lot of difference between the two. My family likes to use the Oreganol P73 sublingually (under the tongue) to boost their immunities because they like the teenie little dropper in the small size. :-) Oregano oil is antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antifungal and kills nearly any virus.
Frankincense, a.k.a. Boswellia, is the king of most healing herbs/oils. Frankincense has been getting some highly favorable press in at least 2 studies (that I know of at this writing ~ read about one of them HERE) as being a very effective cancer fighter. Frankincense is a genuine healer, it is antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory. It brings down the swelling of nasal passages, sore throats, relieves canker sores; helps with arthritis, gout, stiffness and pain.
You Will Need:

~empty "00" capsules
~10 drops Thieves Oil**
~6 drops oregano essential oil OR Oreganol P73**
~2 drops frankincense essential oil**
~glass supplement bottle; a clean, used AMBER supplement jar/bottle is preferred 


1) pull capsules apart
2) carefully drop oils into the large end of capsule
3) attach short end of capsule, gently but firmly pushing the capsule together as tight as you can
4) store in an amber bottle in a cool, dry place

To Use:

Take 1 or 2 per day with water.

Make a few ahead of time so that you have them ready to use when you need them. Let me know how much you benefited from these homemade antibiotic capsules.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
**Please see the obligatory disclaimer at bottom of page**  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#139 ~ Be Still, Stand Firm & See

"Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today . . . The LORD will fight for you; you need only be still.'" ~Exodus 14:13-14

"You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'" ~2 Chronicles 20:17
Are you up against the lions of this fallen old world today? 

Some seasons of our life just seem like that, don't they? Nothing seems to work out the way we want it to . . . the family prodigal seems intent upon helping your gray hairs to "be fruitful and increase in number" (Gen. 1:28) . . . someone you trusted has stabbed you in the back . . . some change has happened and your happy work environment falls apart . . . there's too much month at the end of your money . . .

So . . . sit back, take a deeeeeep breath and remember that 


Do not cease in prayer and trust that the LORD will handle this. He is our Paraclete ~ He is the Warrior Who guards our back, Who sees what we can't and fights FOR and WITH us. 
". . . In this world you will have trouble. But, take heart! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33(b)

Encourage each other and take heart with God's truth in your life.

Be still, stand firm . . . and SEE

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dandelion "Coffee"

As much as it pains me to say, there are some people who can't have coffee. Oh, how sad! I start my mornings with a tasty, hot mug of coffee and then I drink tea the rest of the day. 

It seems to be the trend, lately, that people are catching on to Dandelion "Coffee" . . . which is really simply a Dandelion Tea with a twist

A couple of years ago, I posted on the MANY benefits of dandelion. What a mighty little "weed." So, if you are unfamiliar with those benefits, you really should read my earlier post.

Dandelion Coffee is so easy. To make a pre-made jar full . . . 

You Will Need:

~1/4 c. dried dandelion root
~1/4 c. chicory (a.k.a. cowboy coffee)
~1 TB. mini carob chips
~small mixing bowl
~jar with lid


1) in the bowl, whisk together all ingredients to blend
2) pour ingredients into jar

To Use:

~add 1-1/2 to 2 ts. of blend to a tea ball or infuser, put into a mug, pour hot water over the blend, let steep for 10 minutes. Enjoy. 

This will help those of you who have had to give up coffee or who just want an occasional alternative with many health benefits, for extra measure.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><