Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#97~ 11/9/10

For Today...

Outside my window...
bright, blue skies; unseasonably warm temps. A little Indian Summer for SW Ohio.

I am thinking...that I need some God-given clarity on a couple of issues.

I am thankful for...the FREE McD's carmel McCafe' that I was blessed w/this morning! :-P And that I didn't break my toe when I dropped a heavy bottle of liquid vitamins on it at work last night!

From the kitchen..
.new loaf of flaxseed bread in the making.

I am wearing...my cold weather "uniform": jeans & one of my Lakeside hoodies...the dusty brown one for today. :-) lol

I am remembering...16 yrs of homeschooling...& that I miss it. Children do grow up, don't they?

I am going...
to do some housework, some baking, some laundry...and THEN I go to work! '-)

I am reading...Bible: Psalms.

I am hoping...that the ho
lidays will go smoothly w/extended family; that the newly elected Conservatives will do what they promised all of us they would do.

I am creating...a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am hearing...
the radio.

I am noticing that...
I need to punch a couple of new holes in my belt! Woohoo!!!

Around the house...cleaning, baking, enjoying the quiet of mid-day w/the house to myself.

One of my favorite things...
the way Maggie, our little dog, greets me when I come home.

Plans for this week...family time, grooming Maggie, work/staff meeting; looking forward to watching "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC this Sunday.

Pondering these words..."God intends His Body to function through spiritual gifts. Human talents are NOT adequate for spiritual ministry. Too often, we look to the secular skills of someone in the world instead of someone in our church body who is gifted in a certain area." ~ From Sunday's Sermon.

Scripture thought...~~I Peter 4:10 ~
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." [emphasis mine ~KW<><] I have to decide to use the gift(s) that God has given me. He is a gentleman & will not force them upon me.

Here is a picture thoug
ht I am sharing with you...

A local homeschool grad who just made it through Marine boot camp! His family & our community are SO proud of him. God's richest blessings!!

Enjoy other Daybooks at The Simple Woman's Blog!

Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><


  1. oh Kim, I always love your posts! They grow up way to fast! I want to turn the clock back at least five years ... :) hugs!

  2. Kim,

    I enjoy reading your daybook posts. They are very sincere and honest.

    I hope your toe doesn't get a bruise or anything nasty after you dropped a heavy bottle upon it. That must have hurt, ouch!

    I liked your scripture for the day - about using the gifts God has given us. Sometimes, that is not an easy thing for me to do, but I am slowly learning this principle.

    Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day.


    -Lady Rose
