Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#75~ 4/20/10

For Today...

Outside my window...Lovely sunshine; but later today, in-coming clouds will bring in a few days of rain.

I am thinking...of all I need to do.

I am thankful for...the time I had w/my oldest DD this week. She came over & we gabbed til almost 1:30a.m. yesterday morning! I miss her being here everyday.

From the kitchen...I'm thinking about making Amish French toast for lunch, since it's just me. DD#2 will be fixing supper tonight b/c I have to work til 9. :-/

I am wearing...jeans, burgandy long-sleeved shirt.

I am remembering…the care-free days of childhood. Ahhh...how good we had it & didn't even know it.

I am going…to work on a Bible study I'm preparing & go to work.

I am reading...Bible ~ Daily Psalm, just finished Daniel & I'm going to start Ezekiel.

I am hoping...that it is the Lord's will that my dream of opening a bulk food store will happen...soon. I still feel it's my 'calling' & my God works miracles!

On my mind…those pesky, never-ending bills!

I am creating...a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am hearing...the radio, the dryer, my typing fingers.

Noticing that…Prov. 19:3 is SO right: "A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD." I see people, especially those who don't know the Lord, making stupid CHOICES - repeatedly - then they blame God for all the bad things that happen to them, which are really the consequences of THEIR OWN CHOICES! No one wants to admit that they are wrong or that they need a Savior. PLEASE Lord, don't let me become complacent & forget Your mercies & grace.

Pondering these words…We live in sad, currupt times. Where are the leaders who will stand in the gap like Aaron, Moses & even Jesus? People are begging for someone to stand in the gap between them & God...to bring God near, to pray for righteousness & to stay the hand of God's judgement. Is that me? Am I that person to the unsaved in my sphere of influence?

Around the house...making laundry detergent & deodorant.

One of my favorite things...that my sweet DH wakes me up to kiss me good-bye every morning. :-*

A Scripture thought...Hebrews 13:15-16 ~ "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Sometimes, when times are tough, it can be hard to offer praise to God. In our troubles, we can get a little confused & think that God wants us to praise Him FOR the hard times (however, that MAY come in the future, once we see where those hard times have taken us)...but in the midst of those hard times, simply praise Him for WHO HE IS! HE never changes! Whether times are good or bad, God is still on His throne! It wouldn't be a sacrifice if it didn't cost us something, even the strength of will to praise Him in the storm. Praise Him for that.

A few plans for the rest of the week...work, plugging through a workbook for my job, getting ahead on a couple of articles/devotions, preparing to put out my little herb/kitchen garden for this year.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Our dogwood tree. To the right of the porch (which is actually in front of it) you can see where my front yard herb/kitchen garden goes.

Enjoy other Daybooks at:

Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart as you did you Woman's Day Journal, Kim. Praying for your Marmee's Pantry because yes...we DO serve a powerful God!

    Loved seeing the picture of your dogwood tree and where your herb garden will go!

    Am looking forward to trying the Sausage/Tortellini soup!

  2. I like your 'favorite thing'. My Honey Bear does that, too, and I meet him at the door with a kiss when he returns. Such a small thing that is a big blessing.
    I enjoyed being here for a visit.
    Mama Bear

  3. Hi Kim,
    Thanks for stopping by place :) I love what you said about being the one that can influence the unsaved one..I think we always need to be open to what God may have for us..

  4. You've been tagged for the Sugar Doll Award! http://dailymcblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/sugar-doll-award.html

  5. Kim, this is a first time visit for me, also the first time I've participated in the Simple Woman's Daybook. You have a lovely place here.;-)

    I noticed you were also friends with Dianna, so thought I'd better follow you, too.
