Friday, November 6, 2015

Easy Peasy Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Every year, my family looks forward to the days of fall when we go to our favorite larger grocery stores and find our Duncan Doughnuts Pumpkin Spice Coffee
OH. MY. It is a seasonal delight.

But . . . for that last 2 years, it has been quite the challenge to find it before OTHERS who evidently also find it and hoard it for the cold Ohio winter like squirrels hoarding nuts.

What's a Pumpkin Spice Coffee lover to do?

Well, leave it to my dear friend, Balinda ~ who also knows that "necessity is the mother of invention" ~ to bless our family with the answer . . . Add pumpkin pie spice to your coffee!!!

This is so easy and you will LOVE it.
You Will Need:

~ drip coffee maker
~ your favorite drip coffee
~ powdered pumpkin pie spice (I use Frontier)
~ measuring spoon (for heaping TBs, we like ours strong)
~ any extras you prefer (sweeteners/creamer/milk)
~ a generously sized mug

1) For every 2 heaping TBs of coffee you use, add 1 ts of pumpkin pie spice powder; I put my spice in the middle of my spoons of coffee, it seems to blend better.

2) Brew coffee as usual

3) pour into your mug, add any extras you prefer; we use coconut sugar OR sucanat and yummy, gorgeous, sweet milk from a local farm.
 This coffee is to yummy that I
had to post this picture
again :-D
4) Enjoy.

So now, our problem is salved forever!

Let me know how much LOVE this homemade pumpkin spice coffee

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Herbal Harvest

Well . . . I'll bet you thought I had dropped off the face of the earth. Nope. THE Man has been doing some projects from home and has needed the the computer ~ on top of that, I've been working crazy hours at the health food store. It has simply been a crazy fall for us.

BUT . . . I did want to show you that I had one of my best herbal harvests ever! 
One of my most abundant were my rosemary plants. Oh my, they were almost 3 feet high. I've never had such large, lovely rosemary.

I also had echinacea, sweet basil, lavender, sage, dill, oregano, cilantro
Here are some of my lavender, sage, sweet basil and rosemary.
I love the smell of my fresh herbs hanging up to dry in my kitchen. 
What was in your garden this year?

Thanks, again, for your patience with my absence. And thank you, to those of you who emailed or commented on my Facebook to make sure I am OK. Love you all.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><