Thursday, May 29, 2014

Homemade Spiced Chai Latte Mix

I know it's almost summer, but if you're like me, ANY SEASON is CHAI LATTE SEASON! 

 I dressed my canning jar up a little by adding 
a pretty piece of fabric over the lid
We like to go to our friends' cottage in Lakeside, Ohio ~ a Christian resort town on Lake Erie ~ and inside that precious gated community is a little sandwich/coffee/dessert shop called Ooh La La's. And believe me, the shop is just as cute as it's name. All that to say: my absolute favorite thing to get there is their spiced chai latte . . . hot. Yes, they have a cold version, but I don't care if it's 100 degrees with 100% humidity outside, I love their HOT spiced chai latte

Have you ever had a favorite taste treat like that?  But we can't always go there :'( so, improvise, we must . . .

Well, there are tons of recipes out there for lattes, but this is the one that I like. It's easy-peasy and tasty, too. 

You will need:

~1 c. coffee
~1 ts. cinnamon
~1/2 ts. cardamon
~1/4 ts. ground nutmeg
~1/8 ts. ginger
~small mixing bowl
~air-tight glass container


1) whisk to mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
2) carefully pour into air-tight glass container

To use:

#1 ~ use 1/3 c. per mug, fill with hot water, stir to mix.

#2 ~ if you are making a pot of coffee and want something with a little kick, especially on a chilly day or night or around a camp fire, add a heaping TB of chai mix per scoop of coffee to your coffee maker. A great taste treat! 


Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Word to Homeschool (or any) Grads . . .

As you start this new chapter of your lives, there are a few things you should consider . . . 
  1. Just as you spent this time under the protective umbrella of your parents, particularly the headship of your dad, don't forget that you are STILL under the protective umbrella of your Heavenly Father. As the pathways of your life expand, don't forget that umbrella ~ it will protect you both physically and emotionally. Spend time in God's Word to know Him more deeply and to remember where those protective boundaries are. Cultivate your relationship with Him ~ relationships do not grow unless time is spent together. We grow in our relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him, time reading our Bibles, time spent in prayer, time in worship and time in the fellowship of the saints. When you leave home, you may be tempted to take a break from the regular fellowship of church-going or reading your Bible ~ DO NOT DO IT. Some of these disciplines are also habits; once you get out of the habit of fellowship or devotions, the enemy of your soul will give you as many excuses as you want to justify staying away, until you no longer recognize that still, small Voice of your Father. Remember how much He loves you and all He has done for you; how can you NOT want to spend time with Him?
  1. Cultivate a willingness to help others. This will help improve relationships in your home and cause you to grow a good reputation within your church and community.
  2. Collect “stones of remembrance.” In Joshua 4:4-7, once the Lord had, again, helped the Israelites cross the Jordan on dry land, Joshua had the men gather stones and make a monument to commemorate the occasion so that the generations to come would never forget the goodness of God. Now, I'm not saying that you need to make a monument, but if you think about it, keep a little somethin'-somethin' that reminds you of something God did in your life, make notes in the empty pages of your Bible to record answered prayer ~ because ~ life in this fallen old world is not always good, BUT GOD IS. Every-now-and-then, you will need something tangible to remind you.
    4) Make good friends. A quote recently went through Facebook that said, “The Scripture says in Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with wise men will be wise.” Take a look at your friends. That’s what you’re going to be like in a few years. Hang around people who make you better.” Couldn't have said it better myself.
    5) Don't neglect your family relationships. For better or worse, no one knows you better or should love you more. These are the people who will be with you when you're sick and when you're successful. When times are hard, these are the strong shoulders that will hold you up ~ and you will be there for them. Friends come and go, family is forever.

Now, you will be praised, celebrated, cheered and applauded today ~ and rightly so. But remember that all the praise and glory of a high school graduation could never compare to the thunderous applause of GOD or hearing HIS “well done, good and faithful servant.” Now, it is up to YOU to remain faithful and to nourish and maintain your relationship with Him. THAT will be the greatest accomplishment of your life. And remember, no matter where this life takes you, God LOVES you, YOU are the apple of His eye.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Crazy Mid-West Weather

    Well, the old saying goes: "If you don't like Ohio's weather, stick around for a few minutes, it's bound to change." And southwest Ohio is also known for being part of Tornado Alley because we get some crazy, CRAZY storms . . . and yesterday, our area was hit with torrential, horizontal rains, hail and terrible flooding. Everything BUT a tornado ~ although funnel clouds were spotted. 
    Our whole county was hit particularly hard by the flooding and we are praising the Lord that our home was spared the worst of it all, however, beginning just less than a mile from our home, things started to get really bad. 
    Our DD#2 works in a neighboring town and since we share the truck, I needed to pick her up when she called saying that water was coming into a side door at the library and the basement (where all the media, historic documents, antique books and some computers are) was being flooded

    The worst of the storm seemed to be over at our house and so, with hail still laying all over the roads, I started out to get her, a mere 8 miles away. Only a mile from our home, the flooding began. The ditches were torrents of deep, running water, yards were flooded up to and past the homes and barns . . . 
    This shot was taken at my 2nd pass of this property ~ the 1st time I went through, the hill on the left was a massive waterfall that ran down into the horses' paddock, flooding the area and inside the barn. The poor horses had to SWIM until the rain stopped and the waterfall went away and left some soggy land for them to get onto. 
    Just past that was where some real trouble began . . . a business's WHOLE parking lot had turned into a raging river ~ probably 50' wide, and NO ONE was going to go through that. At this point, everyone turned around and I tried to find another way to my daughter.

    I drove for over 2 hours trying to find a way, but every road had flooded areas. I shouldn't have, but being as I drive a big ol' truck, I went through some fast-flowing flooded roads until I was simply too afraid to go into some really deep, really fast waters and had to TRY to find another road. Along the way, I saw this sweet little, brand new mule foal and his family trying to find some high ground. 
    Every where I went, I met with flooded roads and could not get to my daughter. Just as I was considering getting onto the highway and going all the way into a neighboring town to come in another way, I drove up to the on-ramp and there were cars using it to get OFF of the highway because IT was flooded as well! 
     Photo credit: Dayton Daily News
    As this point, I called my daughter and asked if she could contact some friends who live close to the library and see if she could spend the night at their home. What a blessing they are ~ the whole historic downtown was flooded and so was our friends' street, but they braved the waters, DD#2 waded out to their car and they, even though their power was out most of the night, took her in. Praise God for wonderful friends. This was their road . . .  
     Photo credit: Katie Worthen
    And as it seems to be after so many storms ~ today is such a lovely sun-shiney day. God IS so good.
    Your prayers are appreciated for all those who have lost so much and are cleaning up today. Thank you.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><   

    Wednesday, May 21, 2014

    Word-Filled Wednesday ~#113~ Treasured Possession

    "'They are Mine," says the LORD Almighty, 'in the day when I make up My treasured possession, I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not . . . But for you who revere My Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall." ~Malachi 3:17-19; 4:2

    Do have a treasured possession? Perhaps and picture of a lost loved one, something that belonged to a love one, a memento from a once-in-a-lifetime trip . . . ? Isn't it lovely to look upon that item and think of who or what it represents? 

    I have my parents' wedding rings and I often wear one of them, especially on their birthdays or their anniversary. It's a way that I can still feel them with me in some way. I have a small collection of canes that my grandpa made from tree branches, these have come in handy during illnesses when walking was a chore and now, THE Man uses one. I have three beautiful fall scene paintings from an artist in West Virginia that my grandma had in her home, my parents had in their home and I have had throughout our nearly 30 years of marriage. 

    Treasured possessions.

    Did you know that YOU are God's treasured possession? Incredible, isn't it?! Having accepted Jesus as our Savior, WE have been adopted into God's family (Eph. 1:5). And just as we treasure our children and things that remind us of them, so God, our Heavenly Father, adores and treasures all that reminds Him of us.

    Treasured possessions.

    YOU are one of God's treasured possessions. 

    Amazing love.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

    Thursday, May 15, 2014

    Zap Those Zits!

    If you have read my blog for a while, you know that even though I am 55 (as of this writing), I STILL have oily, acne-prone skin. :-( That doesn't mean I look like I'm 16 anymore (I wish), but it has always spurred me on to find remedies that work (like my face wash and toner) for myself and my family . . . who are also on the oily side.
    Something that's always handy to have with you is a little tube of homemade Zit Zapper. And you won't believe how EASY this is to make . . .
    You Will Need:

    ~small pot
    ~1/8 c. raw, virgin coconut oil (NOT refined)
    ~3-5 drops tea tree essential oil (depending upon how strong you want it)
    ~3-6 empty lip balm tubes (depending upon the size you get)
    ~1 dropper OR small syringe (WITHOUT needle)
    ~rubber band


    1) in a small pot, gently melt the coconut oil ~ it won't take long because coconut oil begins to liquefy at 72-75 degrees ~ it does NOT need to be hot, just warm enough to melt
    2) remove from heat
    3) add tea tree drops to the coconut oil; stir to blend while warm
     [Google Images]
    4) the easiest way to fill the tubes is to tie them together with the rubber band (so that they don't fall over), fill the dropper/syringe with the warm mixture and drop it into the tubes until they are full
    5) put caps on the filled tubes
    6) place tubes in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes; they will actually be ready to use in 15 minutes, I wait 30 minutes to make sure
    7) when you see or feel something about to erupt, simply take it our of your purse and dab a little on and around the blemish; carry one in your purse and keep the rest in the refrigerator until needed

    **NOTE** REMEMBER that coconut oil starts to liquefy above 72-75 degrees, which means it may be wise to keep it in a baggie inside your cosmetic bag on a hot day. 

    That's it! Easy peasy. Let me know how much you LOVE it.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

    Wednesday, May 14, 2014


    "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ~ of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, THE ONLY GOD, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." ~I Timothy 1:15-17

    "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit." ~Psalm 147"3-5 

    Just like reading a verse in the Bible that you've read hundreds of time and then it reaches out and GRABS your heart in a new way, so sometimes that happens with songs.

    Yesterday, K-Love played Chris Tomlin's iconic song, Indescribable, and I was blessed throughout the whole song. I hadn't heard it for a while and when, in the live version, Chris repeats: 

    "You see the depths of my hear
    and You love me that same . . . "

    it simply gripped my heart. Gripped my heart.

    I am a sinner saved by grace. May 25th (2014, as of this writing) will be my 32nd spiritual birthday, I NEVER want to forget the depths of sin ~ the depths of my heart ~ that the Lord saved me from . . . that He saves me from EVERY day.


    I hope none of us ever forget that we love and serve a HOLY God.


    Let this song grab your heart in a new way, today.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    Herbal Pain Killers

    So many of us suffer with aches and pains almost all the time. And sometimes, we just need a pain reliever to get rid of that nagging, dull headache or help with cold and flu body aches. Hopefully, today's offering will help you with whatever your needs are.**

    TURMERIC {Curcumin}

    I'll just start with what seems to be everyone's favorite pain and inflammation reliever ~ Turmeric. THIS is the go-to product. Turmeric greatly decreases inflammation in the joints and, when the inflammation goes down, pain relief comes with it. It is actually stronger than hydrocortisone, as found in two different studies. It has been very successfully tested as being beneficial as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for arthritis sufferers. Turmeric is also credited as a cancer fighter ~ specifically colon cancer. The Curcumin in Turmeric is highly antioxidant. Turmeric is also known to lower cholesterol levels ~ reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks ~ and increases bile flow in the liver and stomach. When used topically, in a salve or ointment, it's antibacterial properties make it very effective for athlete's food and a topical anti-inflammatory.

    Another wonderful anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Very popular for easing the pain AND swelling of arthritis, swollen/painful joints, lower back and even helps with night sweats and hot flashes. White willow has some of the same properties as aspirin, so IF you have no allergies to aspirin OR IF you are NOT on any BLOOD THINNERS, it can be a very effective go-to headache and general pain reliever. 


    This Bitter Herb is one of the best remedies for migraines and nagging headaches. My favorite pain relief tea is white willow, feverfew, St. John's Wort with either a little chamomile or jasmine. Luscious. But I digress . . . :-) . . . Feverfew, white willow and a little rosemary (either ground up and made into a capsule OR in a tea) works very well as a menstrual pain reliever. Another benefit is that, if you have irregular periods, feverfew may help induce your flow as well as help with the pain.


    Another Bitter Herb that is very well-known for it's anti-inflammatory help with arthritis and swollen joints. Very good as a back pain reliever; not only does it helps with joints, but it also helps with muscle pain. Devil's claw also helps with digestive disorders ~ much as digestive enzymes do ~ because it actually helps with the digestion process; also aids the gallbladder. 


    A relative to Frankincense, Boswellia heals in a similar way. Of course, as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatroy for arthritis, gout and even colitis. Taken as a tea, it is very effective for sore throats, fever blisters (canker sores), hay fever, asthma ~ gargling a strong tea will help with sore throat and laryngitis. Tea with Boswellia, Ashwaganda and Holy Basil with a little local or Manuka honey makes a great, soothing adrenal support. Drink it during stressful times, for menopausal symptoms or before your go to bed.

    Probably the best-known Homeopathic pain and bruise remedy, you can also make your own ointments and simple compresses from dried Arnica. This herb is awesome as an anti-inflammatory and for relief of bruises, sprains, strains and general muscle pains. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY unless you use the Homeopathic.


    I have written extensively about the benefits of Cloves HERE, but since it is surprisingly good pain relief, I felt I needed to add it to this post.


    You may even have this in your own herb garden! Very well known in Mediterranean countries for easing arthritis, gout and the pain of Plantar Fasciitis when used as an ointment or oil. When used in food or as a tea, it will not only help with digestive disorders (similar to digestive enzymes) but, much like rosemary, it makes a good health "tonic" ~ making your digestive tract work at it's best will help with an all-over well feeling. And, of course, it's wonderful seasoning in many of your foods!

    We all want to take care of our families and our own health, and pain relief is a major part of all-over health. If you are in pain, nothing else matters. I hope these simple and effective pain relievers will be of great benefit to you and your family.

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><
    **See disclaimer at bottom of blog page**  

    Wednesday, May 7, 2014

    May/June Issue of Christian Women's Voice Magazine

    The fabulous May/June Issue of Christian Women's Voice magazine is NOW available! 

    This issue is packed with all sorts of great, diverse, inspirational articles ~ dealing with anxiety from a Christian woman's perspective, letting God be God, fighting lyme disease, book reviews, testimonies of God's goodness, and making your own homemade deodorants in the frugal living column by . . . yours truly. :-) 

    Click on the link and order your copy, TODAY!


    Blessings from Ohio, Kim<><

    Thursday, May 1, 2014

    Texas Caviar

    Now here's something you're going to LOVE! This will probably make me sound silly, because YOU have probably already heard of it ~ but a co-worker recently introduced me to a yummy little item called Texas Caviar

    Oh . . . my . . . yummy . . . goodness!

    It's so easy & so yummy ~ if you want a twist on your salsa or pico de gallo, try this . . . 

    You will need:

    ~1 c. olive oil
    ~1 c. sugar (OR try Turbiano Sugar [Sugar in the Raw] or Sucanat)
    ~1/2 c. Bragg's apple cider vinegar
    ~1 c. celery
    ~1 small sweet, yellow onion
    ~1 jalapeno pepper, chopped (OR 12 oz jar)
    ~1 med. jar of pimentos
    ~1 c. black-eyes peas
    ~1 c. white shoepeg corn
    ~1 c. black beans
    ~Corn chips


    1) Bring oil, sugar and vinegar to boil, stirring a couple of time
    2) Set aside to cool
    3) While this is cooling, chop up the celery, cilantro, onion and jalapeno
    4) Drain pimento, black-eyed peas, corn and black beans.
    5) Rinse peas, corn and beans
    6) Mix all ingredients and let set overnight
    7) Drain any liquid that has settled before serving

    You can change things up a little and make it your own. Add some Quinoa to stretch it out and add a little body to it if you are having over several guests or taking it to a carry-in; also try chick peas or avocado. Serve with tortilla chips. OH MY! You may just need your very own bowl. :-P

    Let me know how much you LOVE this!

    Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><