Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pam Tebow Event

DD#2 and I attended such a wonderful event, tonight. We had the opportunity to go to a Right to Life dinner at which Pam Tebow was the speaker. In case that name sounds familiar, her youngest son is famed Heisman Trophy winner, quarterback and outstanding Christian young man, Tim Tebow.

Our family members are great fans and are admirers of the Tebow family's testimony (concerning Pam's illness while expecting Tim and her decision to NOT take her Dr's advice to get an abortion) and of their great works for the cause of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, not to forget that they are also a homeschool family.

So, with that said, here are a few photos of our evening . . .

Enjoying conversation (and people watching) while 
waiting for our dinner

 And finally, it was time for the guest of honor
to speak. She was very gracious, honest,
encouraging and genuine. She would have 
us laughing one minute and nearly in
tears the next.
And the evening ended with a meet-n-greet.
It was pleasure to have a short but sweet conversation
with Pam Tebow. She was happy to meet another 
homeschool family (and there were several in attendance) and to hear the DD#2 is considering 
attending a school in Jacksonville, FL ~ the
Tebow's hometown. 

A great mom and daughter night.
A night of sweet memories.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><


  1. wow, that is so awesome. It's so fun to hear about good moments like these.

  2. how wonderful! I am a huge Pam Tebow fan and did a blog post about her a while back. Sounds like you and your daughter had a memorable night.

  3. Looks like this was so much fun, and what an amazing family they are. You and your daughter look so cute :) Be blessed, my friend.
    Love ya,
