Thursday, August 29, 2013

Like Ripples in a Pond

"I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ~ of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." ~1 Timothy 1:13-17

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~Eph. 2:10

I don't know where your faith walk with the Lord started or how far you have come, but ~ as I often say ~ I have lived two utterly and completely different lives. I once heard a dear, life-long friend tell our daughters "I grew up in church, but I never really believed God changed lives until I saw Him change your mom." [paraphrasing]

Paul's words in 1 Timothy are my "life verse." His description of his former life before Christ and how Jesus showed him such loving, unmerited mercy is my story, as well. 

But why me? I am a surviving twin . . . why me? I have endured trials and enjoyed successes . . . why me? The Lord chose to answer my prayer of salvation and completely changed my life . . . why me? Why you? It's simple . . . we are HIS instruments, we are HIS workmanship. HE has put us into places and in the paths of people who need Him. Jesus has set us into ponds teaming with life under that surface ~ lives that need Him. We are plopped down into those ponds to let the ripples of our lives which have been touched by His grace, mercy, forgiveness and love expand and wash over the lives of those we love, those we work with, those we live around . . . everyone within the reach of our ripples.

We have a story to tell. Someone is dying to hear it.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#199~ 8/19/13

For Today . . . 

Outside my window . . . dark sky, full moon. I'm writing that at night instead of morning, today.

I am thankful . . . to be able to bring in a paycheck, since THE Man was laid off 2 weeks ago.

I am thinking . . . that I hope one of his interviews turns into a fantastic job . . . SOON.

From the kitchen . . . roast beef sandwiches.

I am wearing . . . jammies ~ getting ready to bed; early to work in the morning.

I am creating . . . a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am going . . . to talk to someone very important later this week . . .

I am wondering . . . at the outcome . . .

I am hoping . . . that it turns out really well :-)

I am looking forward to . . .  when the ball starts rolling.

I am learning . . . that God embraces the desire of my heart just as much as I do.

About the house . . . clogged kitchen drain. Not fun.

I am pondering . . . timing.

I am reading . . . Acts

One of my favorite things . . . reunions with old friends. My friend from high school, Shelly, was "back home" from Texas this past week. We got to see each other for a few short hours while she was here. What a blessing.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . family time, work, doing a few more homeschool assessments, interview, worship . . .

A favorite thought for the day . . . "When God puts someone in my path and there's an opportunity to share the Gospel with them, don't worry ~He's in control ~ He's already spent years working everything out so that we could come together for this very moment. He has personally arranged the opportunity." ~from Sunday's sermon.

Scripture thought . . . "When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you  the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so the your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." ~1 Cor. 2:1-5 ~~Whenever I do a workshop or am asked to speak before a group, I always open my presentation with this Scripture.

A picture thought for you . . . 

Read 100's of other Daybooks and register to start your own at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Elegant Blog Award

THANK YOU, to my dear bloggie friend, Dianna, from Joyful in His Presence, for blessing me with the Elegant Blog Award

Dianna is a person who, I think if we lived near each other, would be very close friends. We would be, what Anne of Green Gables referred to at "bosom friends." But I am in Ohio and she is in West Virginia, so we keep in touch as we can. One of the ways I keep up with her is by reading her lovely, elegant blog.

So, having won this sweet award herself, she blessed me by nominating me for that same award. Thank you, again, sweet Dianna.

As part of receiving this award, I need to answer some questions to help readers know me a little better . . . 

1) What made you want to start blogging?
  • I was the Ohio coordinator and a contributing writer for The Old Schoolhouse magazine ~ the largest homeschool magazine in the world; while I wrote for them, they created (now and requested that I keep up an Ohio homeschool blog for them, at that time I also started my own blog, BuckeyeBlog, on the same site. I REALLY enjoyed it. Since the magazine was quarterly, the blogs gave me a daily out-let to write. The TOS publishers soon started another blog site, (no longer available), and there I had another blog, WannaBeASteader, where I started writing about home remedies, frugal living, etc. After we graduated our youngest from our homeschool, in 2009, I ceased writing for TOS and writing their Ohio blog and I decided that I wanted to condense my other blogs into one on a blog site where I could be a little more creative in it's design and over-all look . . . enter My dream is to open a bulk food and home remedies store and I want to call it Marmee's Pantry, this blog has always been meant to be a fore-runner to the store so that's how it got it's name.
2) What is your fashion style?
  • My mom managed the "high-end-she-she-foo-foo department" at a local high-end department store for MANY years, I modeled from the time I was 9 years old until I married at 25, and also combined into some of that time I was a make-up artist for 17 years ~ so ~ it's safe to say that I grew up in the fashion industry. And NOW . . . you would NEVER know it! lol. I often say that I have rebelled against high fashion ~ I lived that life and it is all fluff, smoke and mirrors and envy. Once I became a Christian, at age 23, I found REAL life and REAL purpose and decided that being a REAL person was all God wants of me. Not to say that I don't like to look presentable or wear make-up, because I do, but if my dear husband, THE Man, still thinks I'm pretty and I don't shame the Lord or him ~ then that's all I need. 
  • Also, my mom recently passed from Alzheimer's related problems that were complicated by her feet which had nearly been destroyed by YEARS of wearing high fashion high heels during all her retail career. In the end, her brain and her feet competed for circulation ~ her feet lost and literally died, which basically killed my sweet mom in Sept. 2011. She suffered GREATLY and, having worked so many years on my feet (as I still do at the health food market) I DO NOT want to suffer as she did and I am determined to take care of my feet. So, I have forever traded in high heels for Earth Shoes (just like we used to wear back in the 70's and 80's ~ see a pair of mine, below), Birkenstocks, and the occasional Tom's shoes.

  • My over-all fashion style is quite eclectic ~ mostly jeans, roomy shirts, tanks over-layed with "drapie" sweaters and over-shirts (comfortable for  bending, stretching and reaching at work), jean skirts, long prairie or flow-y skirts. In the fall and winter I LOVE cable-type sweaters, cardigans, turtle-necks and hoodies.
3) What is something your readers don't know about you?
  • I am a night owl who desperately wants to be an early bird.
4) What are your blogging goals?
  • To glorify my Lord Jesus Christ and to draw the world to Him
  • To bless others with the encouragement to KNOW that they CAN homeschool AND they CAN take care of their families by cooking wholesome foods and using various supplements, medicinal tea blends, home remedies, etc.
5) What is your favorite place to shop?
  • Hmmm . . . that could be several different types of shopping . . . 
  • Food: I buy most of my bulk (flours, sweeteners, pastas, noodles, herbs, spices . . . ) at a little bulk food store which is the "model" for my Marmee's Pantry, I get my milk and brown eggs from an Old Order farm (they live like the Amish), I buy other herbs and spices and some things at the health food market I work at and most everything else comes from Kroger or Wal Mart.
  • Clothes: Kohl's, Wal Mart, the fantastic Good Will in Troy, Ohio, Elder Beerman dept. store.
6) What would be your ideal amount of blog followers?
  • As many as possible :-) EVERY ONE is a blessing that they would stop by and read something written by little ol' me.
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Cluster Map I added (bottom of page) in May (2013) and seeing where people from all over the world stop by. WOW. What a blessing, what a thrill to see. 
7) What are your talents?
  • I hope that I can be an encouragement to families everywhere who want to do more for themselves. To encourage families to know that if you can parent you CAN homeschool; if you have the "want to" you CAN live a healthier, more frugal life.
  • On another level: I sing, play hammered dulcimer, flute and Irish penny whistle. THE Man and I have done the music at over 100 weddings and have sung back-up and played on several CDs, and we have been on the praise and worship teams of every church we've attended since we've been married (1984).
  • I love to make people laugh and smile, so I think I have a good sense of humor.
  • I want to draw others closer to the Lord with my writing.
8) Are you a leader or a follower?
  • As much as I don't want to be many times, I usually end up being a leader.
9) What is one of your favorite quotes?
  • An encouragement my Daddy once said to me: ""Can't" never did anything."
10) Do you have a favorite book or book series?
  • Obviously, I love the Bible.
  • Anything by Jane Austin ~ mostly Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility
  • Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness ~ they will change your prayer life.
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. ("Marmee" is the mother character in the story)
11) Out of all the synonyms for elegant, which would you describe yourself with (smart, stylish, dressy, graceful, dainty, fine)?
  • Sputter, sputter, cough, cough! That's funny.
  • OK . . . when I Googled "synonyms for elegant" this came up as one of the definitions: "Pleasingly ingenious and simple" . . . let's go with pleasingly simple. :-)
12) What is your favorite flower?
  • Black-eyed Susans and the coneflower of Echenacea.
13) Recommended blogs who have blessed me that I now honor with this award . . .
There are so many more who have blessed my heart but this is a great place for you to start.

Hope you enjoyed this look into little ol' me. Thanks, once again, to Dianna for the award.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#98~ In His Steps

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." ~Proverbs 16:9

"'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" ~Matt. 28:19-12; Jesus speaking

The latter Scripture is commonly known as "The Great Commission." This is the last "charge" Jesus left with believers before He was taken back into heaven. This is a calling not only to the disciples, but to all of us who call ourselves after His name, who call ourselves "Christians."

Through His only Son, God has called us to something. He has given us talents and giftings that are particular to each one of us. This calling ~ this taking part in His Great Commission ~ is a privilege!  You have been commanded by God to do something precious for His kingdom!

"Impossible," you say? If God has called you and I to do something, it doesn't matter what anyone else does, it doesn't matter what forces may be against us, our God is in the business of the impossible.

Remember, when doubts were expressed to Jesus here's what happened: "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'" (Matt. 19:26) Jesus is God's only Son who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for our sins and then rose again for defeat death, hell and the grave ~ I think He knows what He's talking about and that's why I follow Him.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<>< 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Scottish Stoved Taties

In case you didn't know, potatoes are a staple of many Scottish, Irish and British dishes. Because of their land is so rocky, herbs and potatoes are the most dependable eatables to grow. Potatoes are also cost effective, usually abundant and can be fixed in many delicious ways.

In Scotland, potatoes are usually called "taties," so . . . taties cooked on the stove-top are traditionally called . . . wait for it . . . stoved taties. :-) They can be fixed in a different ways, but the most traditional is the most simple and also the way that anyone of you with a drop of Southern blood have probably made them, yourselves.
You will need:

~10-12 medium-to-large potatoes [my family always called "regular" potatoes "Irish potatoes" :-D]; peeled and sliced thin
  • You can also use red potatoes for a bit of variety, best to leave their peels on
~butter (preferred ~ here's my homemade butter recipe) OR Earth Balance non-hydrogenated margarine OR olive oil 
~sea salt and ground pepper to taste
~sour cream (nice and thick)
~herbed butter (recipe coming next time!!!)
~large, deep cast iron skillet OR a heavy saucepan
~1 heaping TB of my Absolute Favorite Herb Mix **Optional**


1) pour enough olive oil into your skillet/pan to coat bottom, put sliced potatoes into the skillet/pan and pour just a little more oil over the top
2) if you like (and I do), sprinkle my herb mix over potatoes
3) sprinkle sea salt and ground pepper, to taste, over potatoes
4) give potatoes a good stir and make sure they are well coated with the oil and seasonings
5) Cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through and soft; stirring once or twice
6) Serve and a generous dollop of herbed butter and thick sour cream
7) Enjoy

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><   

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Word-Filled Wednesday ~#97~ Evidence Enough?

"Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the Name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, 'In the Name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.' . . . One day the evil spirit answered them, 'Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?'" ~Acts 19:13, 15 [emphasis, mine]
Let me ask you a question: If in your lifetime there should come a day when Christianity is made illegal, would your life demonstrate enough evidence of your faith that you would be recognized, tried and convicted as a Christian?

The verses above and that question really make me think. If I were driving out demons in the Name of Jesus, would they already know me because I walk my talk ~ or ~ would they not know me because my life is too much like the people they aren't concerned enough about to bother with?

We already know that demons shudder at the Name of Jesus (James 2:19), but is our name associated with His? Does evil wish we would just stay in bed every morning because we are Jesus' hands and feet in a lost world? Do those who know us, or who we meet during our day, see Jesus in us? 

I'm not trying to lay a guilt trip on anyone, but simply to make us think. I want to know the answer for myself because I want to be guilty ~ not guilty of sin, but guilty of openly living, walking, talking and maybe even dying for the Jesus in me (Romans 10:15). I want to be guilty of being salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). I want to be guilty of being sealed by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13). I want to be guilty of being bought and washed by the blood of the spotless Lamb of God (Rev. 7:14). I want to be guilty of being a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). I want to be guilty of being loved and protected as the apple of God's eye (Ps. 17:8).

Well . . . I am. We are. Does it show?
Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><   

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pumpkin Chai Cookies ~ You're Welcome :-)

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I know it's the 1st of August, but FALL IS COMING! My favorite time of year! And with the falling temperatures come favorite cold weather comfort foods. 

Because of supply, some things may only be available at certain times of the year. One of those things that we can only get during the early fall is Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses. OH MY. Yes, you heard me right. And they are PERFECT for a little change-up on everyone's favorite Hershey Kiss cookies.

These yummy Pumpkin Chai Cookies make my mouth water just to think of them. Now, admittedly, you CAN make them with regular, yummy Hershey's Kisses, but the Pumpkin Spice ones just MAKE it, know what I mean?

You will need:

~1/2 c. butter; softened to room temperature
~1/2 c. sugar
~1/4 c. Oregaon Chai's Chai Latte Concentrate
~1 large egg
~1 ts. vanilla extract
~1-3/4 c. flour (I use bread flour for a little more fluff and puff)
~1/2 ts. baking soda
~1/8 ts. sea salt
~1/3 ts. chai spice mix (my favorite is from Tastefully Simple)
~1 bag of Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses
~Mixing bowl
~Cookie sheet
~Parchment paper (*optional)

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1) In a mixing bowl, combine sugar and butter until fluffy; about 2-3 minutes
2) Blend in the egg, chai concentrate and vanilla; mix thoroughly
3) Blend in flour, baking soda and salt; mix thoroughly
4) Cover bowl with plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator for 1 hour
5) 10-15 minutes before you take the dough out of the frig, pre-heat your oven to 325*, line cookie sheet with parchment paper (*optional)
6) Roll dough into 20-24 1" balls, place onto cookie sheet
7) Sprinkle tops cookies with the chai mix
8) Bake cookies for 12-15 minutes
9) While cookies are baking, unwrap the Kisses
10) When cookies are finished baking, remove them from the oven and IMMEDIATELY gently press the Kisses onto the middle of the cookies; DO NOT TOUCH until the cookies have cooled

Pour yourself a hot cup of your favorite fall flavor of coffee, tea, chai or apple cider. Now, sit down and enjoy the yummy spicey fragrance that will waft through your home while the cookies are baking and then enjoy this wonderful cold weather treat.

By the way . . . You're welcome ;-)

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><