Thursday, May 17, 2012

Very Simple Chamomile Healing Salve

 Google Photo as example
About a year ago, I gave you my recipe for my favorite healing salve. I know that there are many times that when we WANT a salve is right when we NEED a salve and my other recipe takes about 2 weeks to cure. So, here is a recipe for a lovely Chamomile healing salve that only needs to cure over-night.
 Chamomile flowers in a jar on my Hoosier hutch
I keep a little jar of chamomile flowers on-hand all the time. It's good for so many things . . . including a comforting cup of chamomile tea in the evening.

But let's get back to the salve . . . 

You will need:

~1 c. of coconut oil (FYI ~ the better coconut oils are sold in the grocery section of most health food stores and come in a semi-solid state. I recommend Barlean's or Garden of Life)

~2 handfuls of chamomile flowers (bought in bulk at a health food store or bulk food store)
~small or medium-sized cooking pot
~a wooden spoon (preferred but not mandatory)
~cheese cloth
~container with a pour-spout (I use a Pyrex measuring cup); 

~small containers, ex: mint tins, baby food jars, small cream jars, mini canning jars, lip balm containers, etc ~ make sure your container has a good, air-tight lid.


1) in the cooking pot, heat the cup of coconut oil to it's liquid state. DO NOT BOIL;
2) add the chamomile flowers;
3) mixture will begin to foam, when it does, stir mixture so that it is completely blended;
4) remove from heat and place, STILL IN THE PAN, in a cool place overnight ~ cover with a dish towel;
5) in the morning, re-warm the mixture ~ DO NOT BOIL;
6) while it is warming, get out as many of your containers it takes to hold your salve; this recipe is a small batch so it won't take many;
7) after the mixture is re-heated through, strain it through the cheese cloth into a measuring cup or something w/a pour-spout;
8) pour into your container. You can use it immediately in it's semi-liquid state or wait for it to cool into the salve form.
Google Photo as example
This lovely chamomile salve is great for diaper rash, cuticle cream, lip balm and most other minor skin irritations that other balms and salves are good for. Chamomile is wonderfully soothing, healing and has it's own light fragrance.

Quick, easy, effective ~ you will love it!

{***This recipe can be easily modified for other herbs ~ EX: lavender, German chamomile, peppermint, white willow . . . etc.***}

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><


  1. Thank you for the input on the dress! The Yellow is my first choice because it has a beautiful coral with some aqua running through the asian pattern and it is just cheerful! Thank you for all your faithful visits to my are a true friend. ox

  2. You inspire me to do this...I don't have any chamomile flowers or coconut oil...I don't shop at health food stores, etc., but you are making me want to! I am going to start checking these things out. You make it sound so simple and wholesome!!!Thank you for sharing these bits of wisdom with us.

  3. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I am moving to live simply and frugally. I want to learn to make more of my own stuff. I have learned and refined my laundry soap. I have a recipe for automatic dishwasher soap that I need to try. This salve will make a nice gift.

    Wishing you a lovely & blessed week,

  4. Hello I am getting ready to make this. My husband planted lots of. Chamomile. I have a couple of questions. Do you use only the flowers or also the little leaves. Also can they be fresh or do they need to be dried?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Anne-Marie ~ You will love this simple salve, I hope you enjoy making & using it. Yes, I only use the flowers & I only use them dried. I highly recommend staying w/the dried herbs & flowers to reduce the risk of it spoiling; if you use fresh you'll have to use your product quickly & risk not having it around when you need it. Using dried flowers/herbs allows you to keep you product indefinitely. It doesn't take long to dry most herbs & spices ~ 2 weeks should dry them out nicely.

      Let me know how much you LOVE your chamomile salve!

      Blessings, K~

  5. Would I be able to add a small amount of food coloring to my salve? I would like to be able to color-code my different types of salves. Echinacea, chamomile, lavender, ect...

    1. I don't see why not. My only concern would be that it would color your skin or clothes. So be careful.

  6. I've made this a few times now, and i do love it! But i wonder, what burner setting do you heat the oil at? Also, how long does it take for you to get the foam? It hasn't foamed for me any of the times I made it.

  7. Could I use shea butter instead of coconut oil?

  8. I tend to use avocado oil in my salves. I started my journey making a salve with olive and coconut oil, but my skin rejoices in Avocado and Jojoba more. I am experienced with Comfrey leaf and root, Calendula and Arnica flowers, plantain leaf, hemp seed. I don't have experience with Chamomile and a foaming stage I generally infuse the dried flowers and herbs in the oils for several days in a crockpot on warm. Will Chamomile work this way? I have seen amazing things from the salves. God has truly blessed us with His creation.
