Wednesday, March 24, 2010

History Lesson: Courting Candles

While reading Karen's great blog, Homespun Simplicity, she was sharing her thrift store finds. Among them was a neat candle holder that she had never seen before. Oddly enough, not only do I know what type of candle holder she found, but I had even been planning on blogging about them & had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder, Karen!

What she had found are called "Courting Candles." And these were used by the fathers of girls who were courting in the Colonial days & early 1800s. It was sort of a 'timer' for the courting couple, the young suitor could stay until the candle touched the top of the holder...

If the dad LIKED the young suitor, he would put a long candle in the holder & screw it all the way up to the top - w/the maximum amount of candle showing. That way, the young man could stay the whole time the candle burned. If the father DIDN'T like the young man, he would use a shorter candle w/the holder screwed either further down or (YIKES!) ALL the way down &, once again, the young man would have to leave when the top of the candle burned down to the holder.

I'm sure every young man hoped to see a long candle screwed all the way up!

There's your history lesson for the day! :-)

Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><


  1. My mom has a candle holder like this and I never knew the history behind it. I will have to share this with her! when I was little, I like to raise and lower the candle!

  2. Great post Kim. I have a set of courting candles and just love them.


  3. Hi, Kim! Thank you so much for sharing with me the history of this candleholder. I had heard of a courting candle before, but I guess I never realized what one looked like. This makes me like the candleholder I have even BETTER!! Thanks again! Karen

  4. How NEAT! I never knew that. So dad's still had their way of controlling the young man's time in that day. "Candle Curfew!" Thanks for that interesting post. :-)

  5. We have one of those courting candles too. It is so much fun to explain it to the kids and threaten it's use. :) I think we purchased ours from Lehman's a few years ago.

  6. Love the new look, Kim! And thanks for the history on the courting candle!

  7. That is very interesting. I had no idea!

  8. I saw Karen's post and came over to read about the candle holder. That is so interesting! I had never heard of a courting candle before. Thank you for sharing about it.

  9. oh Kim, love the new layout! Gorgeous!
