Monday, February 15, 2010

Now THAT'S an Icicle!!

Sometimes, those old homeschool juices just keep flowing no matter whether you've graduated all of your kids or not! The Lord has such a great sense of humor & I find that He often lends His humor to the field of Science. EX: The myth of man-made Global Warming...but I digress...

Today's lesson, boys & girls, is "Let's See If That Icicle Will Touch the Ground Before It Breaks." And voi la! IT DID!

Above...I'm 5'7" tall so this gives you an idea of how tall & thick it is (or was, possibly, by the time your see this). Below...the proof! It's on the ground. I have always told my girls...It's the little things in life that bring the most joy.

Blessings from Ohio...Kim <><


  1. oh that is wild!!!! I have never seen anything like that! This California girl could only dream! LOL That is purely amazing!!!

    and hey, it's global warming for sure!

    ssshhh... is screaching the sound of the wheels of the global warming truck falling off?

  2. Crazy! That is one huge icicle. I'm so with you on the whole global warming hoopla, what a joke! :P

  3. Hi Kim!
    Wow! That is really one big icicle! I'm always chuckling about the global warming thing too. Could use a bit of that warming during our cool, (down right COLD last year, New York summers)Tee Hee! That, plus our snowy-next to Lake Erie-winters, has been the pattern as long as I can remember. Last year we had so much snow we could not see out our kitchen windows! And just yesterday we received another foot and a half of snow!
    I enjoyed the info on Valentines day and loved the post on "Living a Life that Matters".
    Great post Kim!
    Have a great day!
    With Love from the Cabin,
    Claudia O.

  4. I'm glad that you were able to get that picture before the icicle broke! Maybe it's a record setting icicle?!

    It's amazing how the global warming propagandists can ignore the obvious! Ha!

  5. That's QUITE an icicle! Thanks for sharing! I also wanted to mention to you that I've tried to add your button to my side bar, but for some reason it doesn't want to come up as others have. Do you have any suggestions?

  6. WOWSA...that is quite an icicle! My hubby keeps them broke off because he always fears they will rip off the gutters, lol. I'm glad I can say I've seen one touch the ground :)


  7. My kids loved seeing this pics. :) We have some pretty big icicles on our house, but none that come close to this!
