Saturday, February 6, 2010

Digging Out at the Homefront

Hold your plans loosely in the Winter months.

{Shhhh...Don't tell anyone you saw me w/o make-up!}
My brother, myself & our families were planning my mom's surprise 80th birthday party for today. Cousins & other loved-ones were coming in from neighboring, & not so neighboring, areas. But...SURPRISE...a winter storm graced us all with its presence. So, won't it be an even bigger surprise when we re-group in a week or so?
But, on to the beauty of the moment...

Once the snow started it almost immediately came on strong. We had about 1" in less than a hour. Maggie loves to snuff her nose through snow, I don't how she does this w/o suffocating!

It was one of those lovely heavy snows w/the beautiful, big, fluffy snowflakes. The kind that sticks to the trees & makes for lovely calendar photos...
But the evening was when it was SO INCREDIBLY beautiful. If it hadn't been SO cold, I could have stayed out there for hours. All the snow weighing down the trees & shrubs, along w/the deep snow on the ground, made the outside so light you could nearly read out there at midnight! These photos do NO justice to the beauty of the snowy night. I do SO wish my camera could take un-aided night photos. It looked like Narnia.......

In the photo above, I was standing under a tree while it snowed on me. Magical.

{Above, is the same bush that is in sepia after it was weighed down by the heavy snow.}
Then, today, we woke up to at least 12". The trees are lovely but so weighed down. The wind is whipping & the white branches, & sometimes whole trees, are swaying back & forth in great aches. So beckconing...
{Those are our cars buried under there!}

Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to see such a beautiful sight. It draws me closer to You.

Blessings from snowy Ohio...Kim<><


  1. What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing your snowy world, Kim.
    I wouldn't want to have to dig out of that snow, but it certainly is pretty!
    Catherine ... in Texas where it rarely ever snows.

  2. Beautiful pictures! It will be fun when your family does get together for your mom. Does she know about the surprise now?

  3. I've been watching the news reports about the snow storm! But here I am up in Canada, and although we have snow, you can see the grass poking through in spots. I'm in Welland, Ontario, which is about 25 minutes from Niagara Falls. We are usually sheltered from the worst winter storms.

    Your pictures are beautiful! I love it, too, when the snow reflects the moonlight at night, and when the snow sticks to the trees.

    I hope that your mom will understand about the delay for the celebrations. It's much better for everyone to stay off the roads and be safe. I heard that some areas have power outages, but I'm glad that you're okay!

  4. Burrrrrrrrr sure looks cold to me, I live in Southern GA and no snow here, so pretty to look at, but me I will stay in the deep south. Love your blog.

  5. Love these, Kim! You captured the beauty!

  6. Your snow pictures are breathtaking Kim. Living in California, I've rarely had a chance to see snow. But there is a little cabin we go to up north sometimes. Seeing your pictures and lyrical words takes me back there to when I've been blessed to wake up to freshly fallen snow. It's so quiet and peaceful, especially while it lays untouched. I have also sat in a window and looked out at the moonlight glowing off the snow. It's one of those moments one can really feel God's presence. Isn't it wonderful how he comes to us through the beauty of our surroundings no matter where in the world we are?

    Thank you for visiting my blog, and your nice comment. I hope that you and your family will be able to celebrate your moms birthday soon. Happy 80th to her!

    Oh, and it took me a minute to realize that, that first photo was of your darling pup. When I first looked at it I just saw a big, furry, heart! I guess I'm thinking of Valentine's Day.
