Friday, May 4, 2012

Vacation 2012 ~ Part 1


Last week we took a much-needed, much-anticipated vacation to Florida. We have a time-share that we have not been able to use for years b/c my sweetheart hubby, THE Man, was laid off in '09 & the last 3 years have been a long, steep financial climb. 

In the next few posts, I will share w/you our joy . . . 

1st things 1st ~ we had to celebrate DD#2's BFF's very 1st trip to Florida by stopping at the state line.
When we got to our place, the weather was a little choppy . . . but did we care?! No way! We were in Florida! Once we got there, we threw everything into our room & took BFF out to the Gulf of Mexico ~ she had never seen an ocean or been to a beach. This (above) marks her grand arrival to the shore. 
Even the rough sea that met us upon our arrival was beautiful. Glory to God!
 Our place isn't fancy, but it's very comfortable & "just right." Goldilocks & Baby Bear would love it. '-)
 Our robins & sparrows were replaced by beach birds & gulls. I love feeding the gulls ~ throw pieces of bread up in the air & it will never hit the ground!
The best part of the whole vacation is that my sweet, hard-working Man got to kick back & relax. That's what it's all about.

More to come . . . 

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><


  1. I'm glad you had a nice vacation!!

    You can click on my header picture to find where I found it, or you can go here:

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time Kim! Blessings to you :)

    Happy weekend!


  3. I loved the pictures and thoughts about your vacation. I thought the picture of your husband was awesome. I can tell he is one happy man to have a break like this. It is so fun to have your share you vacation with us.
    Blessings to you and yours and have a wonderful weekend.
