Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day is Coming

This year's Mother's Day will be a little bitter-sweet for me. Oh, I'm always excited to spend the day with my family ~ especially now that DD#1 has lived away from home for a while & is now planning her wedding; 

but this will be my first year without MY own Mother. But one thought of where she is, where she is on this Mother's Day, & I can't be sorry for her, but only for myself. Selfish as that may be.

I hope that you, my dear blog-sisters & friends, have a wonderful Mother's Day with many precious memories in the making.

Blessings from Ohio . . . Kim<><

1 comment:

  1. It's not so selfish to want your mother next to you. It' just that you miss her SO much.

    I haven't visited you in awhile, but I haven't forgotten about you. Have a blessed Mother's Day, and thank you for sharing these lovely photographs with us. :)
