Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~#108~ 2/1/11

For Today...

Outside my window...
Ice, ice, ice!!! Our driveway is an ice rink!!

I am thinking...that I wish DD#1 didn't have to do the 'management thing' & go into work today. The roads are so, so bad & she has to work 10-10!

I am thankful for...
a day w/my 'still-at-home' family. Even though we need the $$, it's better to be home today. DH, however, gets to work from home today.

From the kitchen...
Vanilla Biscotti coffee is on & I'm about to fix a brunch of Amish French Toast! Mmmmm....

I am wearing...jeans, warm socks, heathered brown hoodie & turtleneck shirt.

I am remembering...Christmas Eve of 2004, we had 21" of snow! (see Picture Thought, below) Part II of this bad winter storm system is on it's way to bring snow to go on top of all of this ice. I don't think it will be 21", but...brrrr!

I am going...
to enjoy this day w/my family! I sense a movie marathon coming on!

I am reading...
my Bible; still waiting on that book I ordered.

I am hoping...that DD#1 will be safe at work & on her way home tonight; & that we won't lose power during the storm.

I am creating...
a peaceful, Christ-centered home.

I am hearing...radio, washer & dryer, my DH's typing fingers as he works from home today (SO glad he's home!) & my typing fingers.

I am noticing...
that I need to put on more coffee.

Around the house...general picking up & cleaning, laundry, enjoying the day w/family...wishing DD#1 were here, too.

One of my favorite things...
recipes handed down through the generations & the memories that go with them.

Plans for this week...
family time, work, Sunday worship w/the saints, Super Bowl party.

Pondering these words..."To have found God & still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love." ~ A.W. Tozer.

Scripture thought...I Cor. 15:10 ~
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, & His grace to me was not without effect."

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

DH after he shoveled 21" deep snow from our driveway, Christmas Eve 2004.

Enjoy 100's of other Daybooks at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><


  1. Days like today make me put on my apron and cook, cook, cook!

  2. Hi Kim,

    I love the picture at the top of your post...so homey and cozy! And the vanilla biscotti coffee sounds wonderful, too.

    May the Lord keep you all safe and warm!


  3. Kim,
    I like the new picture at the top of the page, love those old things....I like the one with hubby there in the snow...my hubby and I went for groceries today, before our weather got bad, waiting for the ice and into tomorrow morning....I am so glad he is retired now, does not have to go out in the mess and worry me to death....hope daughter has a safe drive today....take my friend.

  4. Such a lovely post. You are so creative.

  5. I love movie marathons on days like that, too. Being snowed (or iced!) in can be so much fun! Have a nice weekend! Karen
